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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I have two basses in the local 2nd hand store, plus amp and cab, effect pedal and a, um, well a 'tribute' to a famous type of bass for sale on Facebook.
  2. This was Saturday's offering. I seem to be changing my board every time I play. No not seem to be - I am changing my board every week. Think I've finally grasped it. Don't buy hundreds of amps cabs and guitars - you'll not use more than a fraction of them. But buying, selling and trading pedals makes all sorts of sense. Comparitively inexpensive and you can use twenty at one gig (if you so desire of course). Anyhow I give you my modular system, the T-Bone: I actually prefer having two or three smaller boards over one giant one. I prefer making a few trips with lighter bags than one ungainly heavy case case. Makes loading a small car easier too. I have a cunning plan for making on stage assembly much quicker. A row of 1/4" sockets on the back edge of the top board with cables coming up through the board terminating in flat plugs. Ultimimately I'd rather like another TPM. Once you've gone parallel you never want to go back.
  3. Possibly...but let's wait and see, have a few things up for sale but not much moving anywhere right now. Already taken some big hits, market very sluggish. But if I can shift just a couple of bits then my name is firmly on a kit.
  4. Attach the cloth however seems best but staple the velcro. Having worked as an upholsterer I can tell you no adhesive will hold as strong as the velcro holds to itself.
  5. Took me until this morning to get the jokes. Damn this virus has destroyed any remaining shreds of intelligence I may have possessed.
  6. NOW SOLD Pedal cull now in full swing. This is a definite upgrade on the syb3 which I struggled with. I realised that my collection of pedal boards is growing which is insane as it indicates the pedal collection must be totally out of control. So I'm shifting stuff. Like this one. It's shiny, silver, made by Boss does a ton of stuff. Some weird, some less so. I've not scratched the surface really. UK postage included.
  7. I have used mine both as 3 stand alone pedals and multiple pedals combined into patches. It kind of depends on the band. I'm in a fairly loose pub covers band and it's fun to have different effects and use them on the fly however I fancy. Depping in a more formal function band I will load up the entire set, each patch labelled with each song title in set order and just move through a patch at a time. If one song calls for something different under a solo or wotnot I will copy the main patch tweak it for whatever the change is save the tweaked patch adjacent to the original then just go up to it as and when the song calls for it. That way I don't have to think just keep pressing the button to call up the next patch as and when needed. Labelling patches is important as it ensures I know where I am if, say the box gets stomped accidentally. When I use it as 3 stand alone pedals I can of course choose another three, six, nine whatever, but six is my maximum for ease. 'Patch' A1 might have distortion, chorus, compressor , A2 flanger, synth, compressor. That way if just one song has synth on it I go back out of home into bank, up to A2, out of bank and back to home. I can keep my compressor on throughout the gig but have that synth and flanger ready for that one song. The change sounds fiddly but in reality doing it between songs takes less time than a guitarist uses to check themselves in the mirror.
  8. Agreed. The money I spent on my lessons was worth so much more than if I'd bought another guitar. Just wish I'd kept it up.
  9. Played a birthday party in a large function room of a pub. It was a timeless experience for a musician. How many have played to that exact crowd in that exact environment down through the years? Made me smile to reflect on this passion of ours, and made me realise how much I love it. Every part of it, from the hours of fiddling with effects at home, right through to the late night motorway drive back. Quite simply I'm where I should be.
  10. Well my little clean up operation obviously worked. Gigged ťhe same amp/cab combination as last week with no problems at all. Dust blower and switch cleaner may not be the most hi tech tools but they did the job.
  11. I must say the 9v output is genius, and the gain / tuner led array also. Any new amp not designed with tuner and 9v out is really missing a trick. Also I think bluetooth would be a good idea. Just pair with your phone and play away, no need for aux soxkets. Oh and a built in wireless receiver. Think I'll go have a lie down, enough geniusing for one day.
  12. *cough* pictures *cough*
  13. It's OK Al, Cat did say it happens but it shouldn't. I really didn't mean to open a can of worms.
  14. Sorry I didn't mean to make a big deal it's not honestly, just didn't want to be inadvertently making work for you guys
  15. I had a comment moderated for mentioning what excellent value for money a pedal was. I don't expect to be above the law, in fact I don't want to run foul of the mods in any way, their job is thankless enough. I only bother mentioning it because it strikes me that people saying wow great price, or this is really cheap, and so forth are some of the most common reactions we see here.
  16. I have some weird flu virus which makes thinking more challenging than usual. This slows my already rudimentary transcription skills below useful levels.
  17. I have the same pedal (branded by Ammoon otherwise identical) and it's fantastic.
  18. Working on it now Stevie. Should be done by sometime next week.
  19. Ironically the only thing I have is a bag of corners
  20. Thanks Bill, I switched to speakons during the gig. Thanks Phil, I squirted and cleaned all the pots and gave them a good wiggle. Been working just fine at home and last night in rehearsal so maybe was just dust.
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