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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. These seem to come in budget batches of multiple units for very little money or plugs like this which are over £3 each. Anyone have any opinions on this fascinating subject?
  2. Started well, quiet pub but those who were there were enjoying their Saturday night. Sadly the g*******t upset the BL who rather bizarrely took out her petulance on me. Perhaps hard work, reliability and dedication are so easy to come by she feels I am dispensable, whereas arrogance, drunkenness, laziness and selfishness must be nurtured. Funny old world.
  3. If only I could... a 4X12 Trace Cab can surely only be bettered by two 4X12 Trace cabs. Can't lift it and my little car couldn't move it. GLWTS - the amp is a steal too.
  4. My whammy went wonky. Open the pedal all was good. Press it down and it seemed to bounce back up a fraction dropping the pitch. I noticed the pedal seemed slightly askew. The left front corner touched the base unit the right did not. I don't need to do any research here I thought, it's obvious that it has been bent and must be bent back again. I shan't share the shenanigans which subsequently ensued, I just want to say if this happens to you don't look for a physical fault. Turns out it's simply a matter of recalibration. Plug the pedal in while holding the power button down. When the lights flash let go the power button. Wind the knob so with the pedal forward the light is all the way up. With the pedal down wind it all the way down. That's it. Turn it off then on again and wham away. I can say that this is an extremely robust well made pedal. If you saw the leverage and pressure I applied trying to straighten it you would A) weep and B) slap me.
  5. This is for tomorrow. I am now officially pedal addicted. From not seeing the point to disappearing down an internet rabbit hole studying different options for cable tidying underneath the damn board. But man this is just so much fun! The bass balls and sweet baby are in loop one. Two has the Valeton running pure wet, 1 octave down, volume and selected tones boosted by the GE. Loop three features the Ricochet, American Sound and Zoom which is used to compress or to add an envelope filter. The Tri Parallel Mixer, aka Best Thing Ever allows me to blend everything, play with tone of each loop, and keep my original clean signal. Might use a bit of chorus on a couple of tunes the Zoom can handle that.
  6. Thank you so much. Great review.
  7. I need the cash but don't hesitate to suggest a trade if you have one in mind.
  8. This is a really really useful piece of kit. If two of the effects work for you it's saved you money already and trust me more than two will. But beyond that it is a DI box and a sound interface for your computer. Lots of tricks in this one. GLWTS
  9. Sorry. For the record, and you can't need telling, she is adorable.
  10. Oh great. That feeling when you use the word porn and someone inserts a picture of a child in between the relevant posts. Apologies for my appalling timing.
  11. I too love to do this. Only where the gig allows it though, set up time and space are always a consideration. Those who've not tried it will be in for a pleasant surprise - it is a unique way of setting up. I used to split my signal using a preamp with two outs into a stereo graphic thence into two separate amp/cab set ups. The most basic set up wouldn't be for a stereo effect, I would simply bias one amp towards the bass and one towards the treble. Then once I liked what I was hearing the volume knobs on each amp became simple tone booster/cut controls. What always surprised me was that when I took away the 'bass' amp how thin and weak the 'treble' amp seemed on its own. Likewise when muting the 'treble' amp the bass seemed impossibly dubby and lacking in definition and yet when blended together the sound was amazing and lacking nothing. Where the heck were the mids coming from??! (rhetorical question - I neither know nor mind not knowing). I absolutely accept to some people this sounds like ridiculous, eccentric behaviour. And that's fine. No one is forcing anyone to do it 😉, but for others this will appeal to a sense of experimentation and fun and it really does produce interesting results.
  12. I hope I never actually have to, but if I do I'll be sure to let you know
  13. Oh God that is mouthwatering. Maybe I'll sell my svt and ctm and get one of these instead. Got to try them all really before finally accepting I can't lift them.
  14. That exact same thing happened to me with Bruce Thomas from the Attractions. Never learned his stuff,but God I write like him
  15. Well, I am happy to report it's a thing of beauty on its own and in the context of the song it is wonderful! Very much how I hear a bassline to a mellow, sparse tune, but played in someone else's style of course.
  16. Played in a smallish part of a largeish pub last night. Horrible to get gear into; pedestrianised outside, no parking nearby, huffing down with rain. Also a longish drive. So I travelled light. Bass in a soft case on my back. One small case for leads mic tablet etc, TCE 208 and a single 10"TE extension, all on set of sack trucks. In and out in one lift, happy days. However while the little TC combo copes well at gigging volume, especially with a second cab, it can be a little, how can I put it? A little sterile perhaps, lacking in je ne sais quoi maybe. Any road, I'd slipped the Sweet Baby into my bag and glad I did. Left it on all night. Lifted the sound, coloured it, and helped it cut through. Lovely.
  17. It would be possible but I have other people who want to buy...
  18. I have now borrowed money to get back on the road so I can't see a way out 😕 Hi Steve I have a couple of people interested. I'll pm you keep you posted.
  19. Irish bar in centre of Bath with my originals band. Packed, dancing, cheering and even singing along. Can't ask for more really.
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