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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Yes. Others are allowed to reconsider and change their minds. Just as you and anyone else is entitled to be disappointed
  2. Thank you so much. I'd have had no idea without these shots
  3. As I said earlier my reaction was different from yours but not right or wrong just different. You've every right to your feelings and to voice them. The real positive here is that we can share ideas, experiences and views without resorting to nastiness and name calling.
  4. Only had one deal here which gave me any cause for concern and I was warned off by a vigilant fellow member. The mods dealt with the guy, no harm done. The chap who changed his mind and refunded did nothing to put me off trading here with him or anyone else. I can't count all the other hassle free transactions I've enjoyed over the years. This is still a safe place.
  5. Happened to me one step farther on down the line. I had paid, but the seller refunded my PayPal when he changed his mind so I hadn't lost anything. I feel that we all have the perfect right to change our minds, as buyers and sellers, but it was a little odd. Left me wondering why. I had forgotten about it until I saw this thread though. I suppose there are plenty of reasons none of which were actually my business. However these were my reactions, it seems to me the OP has every right to react in their own way regardless how I or anyone else might feel.
  6. I know. Shame that the fretboard isn't redder isn't it 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴
  7. Not if it's so ugly I never pick it up it won't! 🤔
  8. Thanks for all the ideas, I'm going with this to see how I like it. Not fitted yet but tomorrow it shall be.
  9. I wish I had your skills. Excellent work!
  10. Even just a phone propped up in the corner. Doesn't need to be amazing quality, I just learn more effectively from watching others do something rather than interpreting written instructions
  11. I received a PJ Squier in a trade and I believe both parties were content with the exchange. However as time wore on I found I reached for the instrument with decreasing frequency. It looks lovely, balances and plays well, and I really like the neck which is often the most important factor for me. And yet, there was something missing. So I took it out a few times. Eventually I decided it suffered a want of character, a sort flimsy lack of substance. Extremely difficult to put into words but a tangible lack nonetheless. Difficult to describe perhaps, but happily very simple to resolve. £13.99 including delivery for a set of Adagio flatwounds. And now I have a new bass. Seriously. It has been transformed. At rehearsal last night it growled, snarled and thumped where previously it had mewed like a sickly kitten. I appreciate we all have our favourite strings and indeed favourites for different basses. My Bruce Thomas Profile delights in its Stadium Elites for example. I post this less as an endorsement of these strings (although I also use and love their acoustic bronze) but more as a warning to others. Don't burn the house down when all it might need is a coat of paint. I have parted company with other instruments when in hindsight, perhaps they just had incompatible strings.
  12. Any chance of videoing some of the tuff cab process please? Be a huge help. Thank you
  13. When I ran out of money selling basses became the only way to finance gas attacks. Or trading. So I had to learn to let go. I'm happy to report that this is a skill one can learn. The sentimental attachment isn't as strong as one might think. That said I would never sell my Aria, we've been through too much together. And the bass my dad bought me just before he died, well that's more than just wood and wire to me. The others I love or don't based on playability and sound not sentiment.
  14. Carlsboro Cobra 90. It replaced my H&H 100w guitar head when I came over from the dark side back in 82. I think I stuck with the H&H 2 by 15 cab for a while before getting a 410 also carlsboro. Borrowed bass of unknown provenance until I bought my Aria SB600 from The Guitar Workshop up St Michael's Hill in Bristol. in '83. I'd tried an Aria in a music shop on the Isle of Wight and was astonished at the sound. I had a Kay but even back then it was just awful. The Aria is still the one I'd save from the fire.
  15. This is looking like the winner
  16. Heh! Pick a fight in a phone box, me.
  17. They might start hitting on the singer.
  18. Both are lovely, but, but... those horrid anemic fingerboards! Whatever happened to make them turn yellow? 🤢🤮
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