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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Initially this is what I meant, but actually the responses widening the topic to amp modelling in general are instructive and fascinating, so I'm happy!
  2. Hello bass hive mind. What is your preferred way of using amp modelling? Pedals I mean.
  3. +1. I picked up a Revelation for not a lot of money at all a d gigged it that night after noodling in the soundcheck. Seriously good instrument, not much money.
  4. Was going to do a review once I gig it but at present I am still playing with all the permutations. It is well made and incredibly versatile. Everyone should have one if not two.
  5. To any newcomers wondering what the hell we're all banging on about, a company who made bass amps used to write on a label how many Watts the amp was rated at. Musicians used this as a guide as to how loud their bass would sound through different amps, the assumption being that more watts meant louder bass. This particular company confused people by writing a lower number than others would. For example where most manufacturers would write 250w this company wrote 130w. Musicians were therefore astonished to be told that the bass amp they'd been listening to at a gig was 'only' 130 Watts. But but it was sooo loud they would splutter. Now, decades later, with the facility the Internet offers for endless debate we are all choosing sides and arguing about this fairly straightforward, and historic state of affairs. Hope this helps.
  6. No experience of that specific model but the Bass Centre instrument I do own is extraordinary. A thousand pounds bass in five hundred pounds clothing.
  7. I loved this when it came out. Saw it about 6 times. Which wasn't as easy then as it would be now! Especially not in Midsomer Norton
  8. as a photographer I too hate being 'that' side of the lens and come into contact with many people of a similar disposition. The best advice I ever got was to go for it. I'd you hate being photographed or filmed you'll never look good in the picture. You'll be stiff and awkward, take one look and reinforce the whole situation with more negative thoughts. So go for it, don't be natural, don't just be yourself, demand the attention of the camera, its a gift to photographers and videographers when people offer something and they'll get better results and you will like those results thus breaking the cycle If it's a fly on the wall thing then play with your eyes closed lose yourself in the music, or only make eye contact with your best mate in the band. Another thing which works really well with the camera shy is try to look really serious even grumpy. Again it's an act as has been said above if you're acting you're not being you, you are a persona.
  9. Staggered to find when I looked back it was 2011 - seems like only yesterday. the club we played was called Heavenly - i think - that may have been the folk who organised the event. It was Glasgow popfest can't recall the street.
  10. Woah, press pause, wait until you're well again. Don't make any decisions while you're clearly having the carp kicked out of you by a very nasty virus. I've had something similar recently and it drags you down both physically and spiritually, affecting hearing, speaking, thinking, mood and reactions. Get well, be kind to yourself.
  11. OK, maybe they had a reason to get grumpy
  12. I played an underground gig on Glasgow way back when. What was the venue? Wonder if it was the same one
  13. The best thing is that we can take or leave both the tongue in cheek Trace Elliot Watts and the ultra technical A Watt is A Watt. Certainly no reason for anyone to get grumpy. For me the exciting thing to come from these threads is when I learn something. By staying out of the brouhaha I can do that.
  14. Fantastic gig in the garden of a city centre pub. Lots of dancing and cheering, band on fire, relaxed and happy to be playing with one another, a truly awesome band with lots of love, wise old heads and no ego problems at all. No stars for the venue; got made to sit and wait cluttering the garden with all our gear (we're a seven piece) while the support (a duo) played right up to ten minutes before we went on. By which time it was dark, no lights other than stage lights we had brought. By the time the guys had shifted their stuff out of the way we had no time to set up properly. I politely suggested that twice now they've done this and might it be better to let us set up then the duo can just play in front of our gear. Seems my experience and advice wasn't welcome. Ho hum. Oh and I got paid £15. So basically we were there to entertain and keep the pub's customers, so it could make money off us. Should be a two way thing but there it is. Luckily that at least covered my expenses and I do love the band, so I put up with it. Again.
  15. Beautiful. And I speak as a dedicated rosewood board kind of guy. I'm slowly replacing everything I own with P Basses. When it's right it's right.
  16. Just looking at this tells me there is no way I could have done this from scratch to this standard. Quick question Can we not use black pipe?
  17. Sure I saw a thread here with just a head. But I'm old, my memory is foggy, and I've kind of glazed over after looking at that Trace./Barefaced combination. Oh my goodness.
  18. This is looking good. Thanks for sharing your progress.
  19. a well, if we're going to get all sciencey about it..... I've been playing the bass guitar ever since I started - which I think we can all agree qualifies me. I've only ever been told I was too loud on two occasions Once playing through a big old Trace Elliot stack and once through an Orange Terror. QED. 👨‍🔬
  20. Very, very exciting times. That looks pretty good doesn't it?
  21. Oh BTW @Al Krow, stop posting videos of your band. You don't look remotely how I've always imagined you and its messing with my head. 🤕🤯
  22. Use Export to save in the File menu to save tracks as MP3 or whatever you like and the original remains unaltered. As long as you save it as a different name or in a different place
  23. Shame @solo4652that line up didn't work for you. To be honest I can easily see the appeal as a bassist of playing in either band. I agree with you, the others do seem to be excellent musicians, funnily enough the bass player wasn't in any way out of place alongside them
  24. Welcome Home! Tell me how do you find the Kustom gear?
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