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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Yes!! Thankyou. And black tuners too.
  2. NBD is imminent at Black Towers. Continuing my apparant quest to replace every instrument I own with a P Bass of one sort or another I have jettisoned a P/J and am eagerly awaiting the bass stork. I'm calling her my Stealth Bass.
  3. I have a Kent Armstrong in my old Aria, replaced the original pup when it died. It is a seriously good pick up. This looks amazing. Puts me in mind of the Aria in a way. Good luck.
  4. I have an OLP 5er, really rate these. Is this active? I'm assuming that it is.
  5. I'm embarrassed to admit I can't remember all the comings and goings. Especially since discovering the joy of trading, or renting as I think of it. Stuff comes in, stuff goes out. Had a really good spell of not buying but actually selling basses, think I've shipped about seven in the last few months. I doubt I make money, I'm a terrible business man. I certainly think I came off very very badly in one particular trade - financially speaking, but then in another I 'lost' a bass I never played and gained a wonderful amp. So that was a definite win. I'm down to 11 functioning basses, two in need of fixing, one on the way, two in the shop on commission and one singing a siren song to me in the same shop. I've also shifted couple of lovely amps and a couple of cabs. And brought in 6 cabs, and 4 heads and a clutter of effects has drifted in and drifted out. Bags. I buy bags, boxes, cases, sack trucks and dollies too. I try only to spend money raised from sales or gigs. I earn precious little else so that's kind of self fulfilling. Is 12 cabs a lot? I don't know.
  6. So, what's the difference between line in / line out, and send / return?
  7. Going with this at the weekend Smaller than the other TE 115 I have but nowhere near as heavy either. The 500x is actually only two 250w amps in one box. So both these cabs being 8ohm means two 125w amps (roughly speaking maybe a bit more). Don't know how comfy I'd feel with two 125 watt amps for a gig with no pa support but this sounds huge. Back I topic the 210 and 115 together are delicious.
  8. Yes mate happy to help. PM me to get away from the brickbats and heckling if the cheap seats
  9. I saw this and had a bit of a wobble. Even though I'm not a maple board kind if guy. Sublime instruments these. Looks beautiful and I bet it plays beautifully too.
  10. Is it worth trying to learn winisd or do you need multiple degrees in astro navigation to even open the programme? Would someone educated all the way up to CSE Home Economics and O Level grade U in Physics be able to drive it? It has slowly dawned upon me how important all this stuff is in getting the best from my gear but a little knowledge is a dangerous thing and all that.
  11. And if like me you realise you just typed some unnecessary, sarcastic and judgemental stuff on a bass forum then time for me to do the self examination.
  12. Being sensible too, none of this matters. If you like Trace Elliot and one of the reasons is their gear seems louder you won't be disappointed. If you're irritated by other people liking something when their reasoning appears flawed then you have the opportunity for some self examination and character improvement. Everybody wins
  13. The biggest issue is actually low ceilings in pubs. Because of the height of the bed I have to stand on a chair to use the pedals. Old coaching inns with low beans are particularly problematic.
  14. Completely agree. Audacity. I use it every day. Brilliant tool. Copy and paste track, increase pitch by 100%, boost mids with eq tool and roll off the top. Suddenly all you hear is the bass! Loop and slow down awkward parts, save just those parts to mp3 if you want to practise away from pc, record yourself playing along simultaneously... it's indispensable.
  15. Very much a work in progress still. Great fun trying different combinations. The possibilities are apparently endless. I'm currently trying three different auto wah/envelopes to decide which one does what I'm after. Although actually the options on the B3 are coming out best so all three may all be gone soon. The Markbass and American Sound pedals also do very similar things so I may end up with one or other rather than both. The little graphic is perfect so that stays. It plays nicely with the Valeton octave to get my preferred synthy sound. When I get my tri parallel mixer I'll probably get a second graphic so one can live with the octave in its own loop and the other can work independently. The frequency choices are bang on, and it takes up no space
  16. Sounds like a punchy little stack. Is it a good deal? I'm not qualified to say. The market is weird right now.
  17. I totally agree with all the stuff about preconceptions. However I didn't know about TE Watts when I first thought 'my God this is loud' nor did all the musicians I'd play with who also were amazed at the volume levels achieved by such a tiny amp. It was decades later I discovered the existence of this concept.
  18. Total convert to Ashdown over here. If and when my class D needs change or money and GAS happen together I shall most definitely follow the advice of those who have contributed to this thread. We have the perfect blend of cloth, eared, fan boy and nerd tendencies. All bases covered.
  19. Also it's a lottery putting a different speaker into a cab. I like you don't understand the science but am happy to believe those that do. Each speaker needs a different amount of air or something. I have got lucky swapping out a knackered speaker for one of a different make and power rating but I'm aware it may not have been all that efficient. Good luck however you decide to play it.
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