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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I have the twin or bi-amped Trace head which has built in high and low pass filters and individual volume controls for each amp. This is sheer, utter joy. The higher frequencies go to the 2X10 and the lower to the 15". Because the 15 is rated at 600 watts and the 2X10 isn't as much. Also the 2X10 has a horn. The lesser cab with its horn never sees the big fat bottom end while the more capable cab gets it all. Get a nice sound and tweaking to suit your tastes becomes one knob for top and one for bottom. I love it. Not much use to the op, sorry, just love talking about Trace Elliot.
  2. It will be awesome. I used two ny151 cabs under an orange terror and kept getting told to turn down even when it was as quiet as it would go. Thunderous response it was thunderous. I also used the two 15s under an old Trace Elliot and oh my what a sound I'm not trying to convince you, but if it's the 450w it will keep up with a heavy drummer no problem.
  3. You know I seriously convinced myself that I need this. Just briefly. In fact the silly thing is this is way easier to shift than 2 4x10s. I used a trailer for my 8x10 back in the day. Lean it against the back of the trailer and ease it over. Balance allowed it to lie flat with minimal fuss. To then slide it home was the work of a moment. Park the trailer and forget it till the next gig where you slide it out lean it back and wheel it in. The point is you never actually lift it because you can't. Lost the car with the towbar, the trailer and the garage at the end of the marriage so I just can't. But whoever does is in for a treat. Nothing sounds like an 8x10.
  4. Well yes. Until I went out and gigged a TE 130 watt combo I had no idea how unbelievably loud TE watts were. Nobody in fact could believe the wattage I regularly had to 'prove' it by showing the sticker on the back. Most musicians I worked with assumed it was a mistake by whoever wrote it out. But before I owned it I had no opinion on the subject so you are correct. I certainly didn't read about the phenomenon on the Internet because there was no such thing back then. Just to reassure everyone we do know a watt is just a watt. Saying Trace Elliot Watts was a way to express the incredible difference in output their gear appeared to have.
  5. As far as the topic is concerned lots of similarities with what others have posted. The absolutely bolted on guaranteed standards for me are Superstition Play That Funky Music Proud Mary Valerie Sweet Child O' Mine Summer Of 69
  6. Trace Elliot is magic. That's the scientific answer. It can be proven with a magic detector, or Magector™. Here my Magector™ measuring bar is bent to 82° by the sheer force of an AH500X GP11 running at only half volume. And I was never closer than 30 feet from the amp at all times. The bass wasn't even turned up that much. The magic field was so strong during this test that you can clearly see where my white sleeved shirt turned entirely into a two tone blue denim overall. It had to be buried in a lead lined box until the magic levels (magevels) reach a safe and above all wearable state. To put this into context here is a Magector™ measuring bar following 2 hours exposure to a Penn & Teller live show. The Magector™ was never more than 8 feet from the stage and yet only a 15° bend was detected. Now I respect Phil and his decibels, of course I do, but I think the pictures speak for themselves here.
  7. We still have a hardware store where you can buy screws and bolts individually! In a brown paper bag! Sometimes living in the past is quite handy
  8. Aha! Involuntary ambiguity! Passing to my friend
  9. Just a quick thank you to everyone, I'm passing on the ideas.
  10. Just to say I joined the club recently, Line 6 Relay G75 to be precise. Not stood that far away so latency hasn't been an issue but it was a joy A) to have no electric shocks and B) to be able to wander round and hear myself in context during the soundcheck. Oh and it all worked, at both gigs, one outside in a beer garden the other in a busy pub. So far I'm a happy wireless user. Just need a pouch to attach to my strap for the transmitter, preferably one that doesn't cost a fortune and I'm all set. Oh and a second transmitter for my second bass. Oh and a second pouch for the second transmitter. Oh and a couple of locking cables with right angled jacks. Oh and to overcome my disorganised laziness and learn about setting up and using different scenes for different basses. Oh and to stop always wanting more.
  11. No medium sized pub gigs, vocal pa. She wants to use for home, rehearsal, and gig
  12. I hinted at a healthy budget based purely on guesswork. Tested the waters by sending her a link to the Barefaced site. While her eyes didn't exactly roll back in her head there was a definite sense of surprise at the prices. I think the deciding factor will be size and weight.
  13. Ignore that, sorry, I see its too small, for picks I assume.
  14. You my friend have thrown down the gauntlet... to be continued
  15. Hi, is that a little pocket for a wireless transmitter on the mono?
  16. One of the singers in the band turns out to be a handy bassist too, which is awesome as the dep is therefore 'in house' as it were. I leant her an amp and cab and she did the business for me when I was double booked. She's decided to invest in some bass gear and I have a very common enquiry with a twist. She is slight of build and lives up four flights of stairs, big long flights of stairs, I know I carried the gear for her. So what do we think is the best weight-to-power ratio cab and head? She said she wanted a combo ideally but I assumed a barefaced 1 X 12 would be the way to go and afaik BF don't do combos. The twist? Well she also plays acoustic g****r and "Can I just play through the same amp?". I can see no reason why not, maybe buy a GEQ to stick between the acoustic and the head, or perhaps a preamp and just use the power amp stage of the head. A bit out of my depth on this part but she'll only be playing rhythm guitar in a 7 piece band so I can't see it being a huge issue. In a nutshell (assume a healthy budget) very light and small cab, pocket head but good enough for reasonably big pub gigs. Or uber light combo. Go for it Bass Hive Mind.
  17. That is just amazing. The whole thing. I think CWs reaction says it all. And that guy can play, if JD ever got sick they have quite a capable dep right there.
  18. Timely thread. I'd just decided to listen to some Rush. Two reasons; my mate (and first drummer) has always been a huge fan and I didn't get it but promised that I would try one day (see also Yes), and the way some of you lot go on about the bass player, well I thought I ought to check them out. As I can't name one song never mind album I shall see what the BC consensus is. So far, as a fan of Edward Hopper the cover of the Windows one has caught my eye.
  19. in AA we have a saying - if you spend long enough in a library you'll end up reading a book.
  20. +1 Currently getting rid of pj basses to make room and raise funds for 'proper' p-basses. Don't have to be Fender, Squier is fine too. My favourite is my Bruce Thomas Profile. It's literally perfect.
  21. Yeah! This is what I like to see. Overkill!
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