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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Yes - this is exactly it. I shifted a lot of very good heavy old gear and went Markbass and Barefaced. And somehow I find a behemoth of a Trace Elliot rig looming over two all valve heads one of which I seriously contemplated buying an engine hoist to move. You see, this is not about the rational. Oh no.
  2. Far too sensible, logical, and therefore not GAS related. Sorry.
  3. My latest GAS has been for the EHX Tri Parallel Mixer. Convinced myself I can't possibly perform without it. Bear in mind until 6 months ago I used no pedals at all. It's been an interesting experience. The GAS attack began as my bank account hit actual zero. So I have sat, as it were, outside of myself, observing the flow and ebb of GAS. First few days were spent just pouring fuel onto the fire, watching videos, sketching out ideas for pedal configurations, reading about it. Then as the reality dawned that I need to borrow petrol money to get to gigs, the flames slowly died down. By yesterday morning a moment of clarity! I did not need this pedal, at all. How ridiculous to imagine that I did! Then I look through the Show Us Your Pedalboard thread on Basschat and boom 🤯 there is woodyratm 's utterly beautiful IKEA pedal board with the EHX TPM sitting proudly in the upper circle. And, well, you can guess the rest...
  4. Not quite 'snap' but we are coming at this from a similar angle.
  5. Now, if this had black tuners, knobs and Bridge.... .... I still couldn't afford it. (it's beautiful as is GLWTS)
  6. I thought looking at pedals was what I did when the gas ran out. I realise now as I gaze down at my three pedal boards that was wishful thinking. It's all the same thing. Whether it's instruments this month and cabs the next, it's always stuff I don't really need. But convince myself I can't possibly manage without.
  7. I've been grounded with flu lately. Just emerging from the shadows but very weak and wobbly. So today is patch cable day! Yay! 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stewblack


      I went out today! Get me! 

    3. Teebs



      Get you indeed! :D 

      Nice one! 👍

    4. yorks5stringer


      Good to see you are getting into the Shadows, Jet Harris was a favourite of mine...!

  8. Whenever I try to buy from G4M the product seems to be in Sweden and delivery adds about £30 to the price. Am I doing something wrong?
  9. The main reason I've not gone back to a combo is back up. My last combo I ended up separating the amp from the cab so if it went down I could plug in a spare head. But if you're DI into the desk and coming through the foldback then even if your amp goes phut you can finish the gig. The whole in ears / amp debate doesn't interest me at all. A band I dep for are all in ears and wireless as they like a clean tidy stage - if I got the gig full time with them I'd happily invest in some. But I also love a big pile of backline. It makes me happy. Not either/ or for me.
  10. Minor breakthrough today (reading rather than writing so a tad off topic) I remembered how when I used to do downhill mountain biking the mantra was always look through the trail not down your forks. The idea being you should process what's coming up and not what's happening right now. Once your front wheel is on the tree root it's too late you should have gotten into position earlier. I applied the same thinking to a line I'm reading and it flowed, it really did. Weirdest sensation looking at and analysing a series of notes while my hands are playing the bar before. Really strange and strangely exhilarating. I want more! The other thought, which has crossed the old bean before, was am I really reading or is this simply muscle memory having played the thing so many times? Simple test, close the book and try to play along. I actually knew very little. Which is either great - my reading skills are developing, or crap - my memory is collapsing like a flan in a cupboard. I'll take the former.
  11. Yes please. Didn't realise that was an option
  12. I only want to write out bass lines as I work them out and have them good enough to quickly relearn a song if I've not needed it for a while. Ultimately it would be great to be able to share them with others but I need the software just to play back what I've written so I can hear if it's correct. I struggle to translate what I hear to the correct note length / rest length unless it's very straight forward of course. That's all I would use it for. Correcting those timing errors.
  13. I have a markbass amp in the loft as I face precisely the same conundrum.
  14. Thank you I started learning to read when I was having lessons but I ran out of cash Must get back to my teacher again.
  15. I've bought two clamps and my corner pieces! Have lots of bits from old cabs I'm recycling so going to pile all that up before spending more. Handles, grills, speaker sockets, wadding, that kind of thing.
  16. Eden Nemesis 650. Power and versatility. Orange Terror 1k. Extraordinary volume. Bugera Veyron. Best bang for your buck.
  17. Nice bit of Deep Poiple there. Drummer looks well into it 🤘
  18. Just realised my mistake... I was actually thinking of the wrong amp. This is the one I was thinking of
  19. Good to see the bass player given lots of room as usual
  20. I was window shopping on Thomann a while ago and built myself into a froth of gas over this amp. I survived without parting with my hard earned - money I actually didn't really have, and so some bills got paid! At the time I complimented myself on admirable restraint. Your review makes me wonder. Quite a looker too isn't it?
  21. I wasn't able to do full wind tunnel trials due to certain local byelaws prohibiting weapons testing...
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