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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I have a HB jazz and yeah it's heavy but it sounds fine and the neck is gorgeous. My longest owned, most reliable amp is a Behringer BX4500H. I bought it back when anti Behringer fever was at its height, but mine has outlasted a fair few more illustrious brand names. Oh and it produces a wonderful tone. I have a Red5 microphone which cost me less than £50 brand new and easily outperforms mics costing 3 times the price. The best bass I own is a Bass Collection Bruce Thomas Profile. I would not change any part of it. And yes I have had more expensive instruments and sold them after acquiring the Profile. Not averse to an Ampeg through a couple of Barefaced cabs but happy too with a Bugera Veyron through an old Trace cab loaded with a metal coned Behringer 15" speaker which I bought about 15 years ago and still sounds great. Best pedal bought after a couple of years of pedal buying selling and swapping is an Ammoon cheapy. But I don't feel safe without @obbmcabling between me and my amps and cabs. Never, ever failed me. 3 Rick copies have scratched that itch, no need to spend thousands on the genuine article I'm content to use what I enjoy and can afford regardless of price or label.
  2. I am untrained for writing but beginning to be able to read music a little better. However when I write stuff by hand the timing is usually out and it's largely illegible. So I downloaded Musink and I cannot get on with it. I can spend half an hour on a bar trying to make it do what I want but it changes quavers to semi quavers without being asked to and adds rests where I don't want them and generally drives me insane. Anyone recommend anything else worth trying or are they all bloody impossible? I really want to transcribe each bassline I teach myself but I can't take two days over every verse!
  3. Sudden rash of new stuff to learn so not been able to play. Darn it.
  4. Used it on Sunday. Played with my semi (stop sniggering at the back) which I've never quite taken to. The output has always seemed to me to be somewhat bland and gutless. This pedal was a wonder. Remained on throughout the gig, lending the bass a warm almost valve like richness. The OD was neither fizzy nor farty, the tone controls responsive. Suddenly an old bass had new life breathed into it. Oh and sustain? I think one high B is still ringing out in the pub now.
  5. What began as a jam has slowly morphed into what almost resembles a band. We still don't rehearse but we had a list of songs for yesterday's gig. Not that we played them in any particular order mind you. We basically spend the late afternoon into the early evening playing vaguely blues oriented tunes, but anything goes really (Led Zeppelin followed by Dolly Parton anyone?). Drummer kicks a cahon and rattles a few bits and pieces, outrageously good singer and a couple of guitars trading solos. The pub, despite not receiving our posters so no advanced advertising, was pretty quiet, but the landlord paid us. An honourable man. If you're ever in Pewsey buy a pint at the Royal Oak and tell him Stew sent you. People who show proper support for live music need to be cherished.
  6. more of a lame to fame but I put up curtain tracks for a mate and his missus asked me about my music. I'm a bass player I said. Oh my uncle plays bass. Oh yes, is he local would I know him? No uncle John doesn't live around here. You might have heard of him though. He used to play with Queen.
  7. Funnily enough I'm looking at those same cabs @Jack linked you to do do precisely this ; ie extend a BG208 to a much more capable, extremely portable rig. You won't regret it.
  8. Well, thanks to a pink torpedo up between me and my bank, but mostly me, all my money has gone off to the DVLA. If the 210 is still here when I've recovered financially then I will be happy to take it
  9. Hard to say. Hang in there, the right person will spot it one day.
  10. Sounds awesome! Not sure what it is unfortunately...
  11. It is painful whenever altruism is repaid with carelesness. But being kind and sharing is always a good thing, for you and for others. I hope this incident doesn't change that side of your nature.
  12. Been offered it for 150... or possible trade. Worth thinking about.
  13. I always think smaller atop slightly larger is OK. Never the other way around
  14. No! I am the anarchist ref, there are no rules. Have at it, do your worst. Who says we can't have 6 different clips in play at once? Or 7. Come on we can do whatever we want to
  15. no, I um, I know what I'm doing, I, um, oh..
  16. I've not used it at any kind of volume yet nor noticed excessive hiss, but I don't tend to push the top end too much for my sound.
  17. I think you need to ask your local to borrow their skittle alley for an hour and try it. 😉
  18. Mine goes from a loud home practise amp to a very capable gigging set up when I add an 8ohm cab Most certainly does not drop off.
  19. Initial impressions are hugely favourable. Don't know if this recording does it much justice but in a mix gives a beautiful warm edge of breaking sound and can I'm sure get pretty nasty if you like that sort of thing. Plays really nicely with other pedals too. think you can get this with Joyo and Harley Benton logos on too - I just grabbed a cheapy to try. Anyhow first go out of the box
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