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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. How was my gig last night? Cancelled, that's how it was. 5 minutes from the venue when I got the news
  2. If you haven't played a Maruszczyk bass before, I can't recommend them highly enough. Extremely well made, great sound and a joy to play. And they look sooo good
  3. Hmmm. That one is different. Block inlays.
  4. But a matching headstock, which is all that's missing from the P. Edit: oh it's much cheaper isn't it
  5. Yes. I have the jazz enhanced. It's natural so a bit vanilla to look at, but it's a beautiful bass to play. I don't know what criticism others have of it, but generally people seem to look harder for faults on HB basses than the overpriced competition. I have a little financial chicanery to get through before I buy this one but I'll let you know.
  6. Yes the jazz is a heavy one. None of the others are remotely as heavy. However I have find they balance so well I can use them comfortably for two three hours, and I'm old and quite broken!
  7. I just said in another thread no more basses for me, but come on. Wow
  8. I wondered if I'd misunderstood! I'll have a look see
  9. My octave pedal collection has grown since I last posted in this chat. I have added the Boss OC5 and the MXR Poly Blue Octave. Overkill? Yep. They both do similar things and do them very well. But the Poly Blue is my absolute favourite because of all the other stuff it does. It's incredibly versatile and the 'extras' are not just there as gimmicks. They all work with the various octave effects in ways that produce other desirable results.
  10. Pedal looks cool now. How you got between the knobs though - that must have been tricky
  11. Apologies if I misunderstood the question. But I think this can be done without extra switches. Footswitch 1 in the above illustration changes the function of the four bottom switches. When set to effect board they turn individual effects on and off within a patch. Press number 1 until bank/patch is lit and the left two of the bottom row of switches change the bank, the right two change patch.
  12. i love it! A dehumidifier and a new bass I also love! Not that5 I have anywhere to put either
  13. I genuinely enjoy all the songs in our sets. No. Correction. I genuinely enjoy playing all the songs in the various sets. Even songs I would never, ever listen to, playing live, playing any music to an audience, is my thing. It's where I live. I think it's because I was out of playing for several years and couldn't get back in. Couldn't find a band, believed I was washed up, too old. So when I got a chance I grabbed it like a drowning man. And I still feel grateful to be out there today.
  14. I have made a firm decision. Based on common sense rather than any moral ground. I live in an overcrowded, damp, cold room. I took a bass out the other day having not used it for a while. The pots crackled, there was rust on the pick ups, the strings were dead. I simply cannot in all conscience bring another instrument into this room. Apart from anything else I'm falling over the ones I already have!
  15. @bnt it never ceases to surprise me how different the on stage sound is from the 'bedroom' sound. Or rather how better suited the sound can be live, when it seems underwhelming at home. I'm not surprised you enjoyed the HB at a gig though. They're just so much better than people expect them to be.
  16. My old man made my first combo from an old lo-fi record player. My first 'effect pedal' was one of those old shoe box tape recorders into the mic socket out of the earphone (singular) socket, push up the little tab while pressing record and play, and off you go!
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