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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Yeah come on ref? Who started this stupid game? Who's in charge?
  2. the rules are pretty loose in this game! Have at it.
  3. Like everyone else I'm feeling Detroit but beyond that?
  4. Don't know if anyone else is getting anything from all this, but I am really finding out about my multi effect as a result of doing them. In fact it's an excellent way to learn. I found the b3 daunting when I bought it. Way too many options. But having a specific task has helped me to focus in on a handful of the effects which in turn has led me to understand the whole thing better So thanks for the thread.
  5. Or if a Bristol Basschatter is going north I can pass it to them or drive up to say Brum for petrol and meet you. Whatever works man.
  6. Yes! I gig regularly in Swindon, I'm there tomorrow and Saturday for instance I can take an empty case bring it on home and post it to you.
  7. WINNER! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎇🎆🎇🎆🎇🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
  8. I keep waiting for one to come along that I know - assume I know lots of different stuff but I don't really...
  9. Hmmm, looks like my attempt to make everything louder than everything else has backfired and this is farting mightily. I beg forgiveness.
  10. I have one up the spout ready to pull the trigger...
  11. ZOOM B3: Squeak into A-Filter into detune Looks like this Patch here Ma SYN 06.b3p
  12. Thank you, I shall add them to the list!
  13. Yes mate. In case anyone doesn't use the software they can dial them in manually
  14. And one more then I must walk the dogs ZOOM B3, OD into Chorus into ZTRON Looks like this Patch here Ma SYN 02 .b3p
  15. This topic looks like a lot of fun. Here is my first go. ZOOM B3, Phased Distortion into Mono Pitch into AutoWah Zoom B3 patch looks like this Patch here Ma SYN 01 .b3p
  16. Fastest deal I've ever been involved in. Done. Thank you Basschat. 💓
  17. Research? Not sure if I would dignify what I do as research, but if I'm considering a pedal I'll watch some YouTube videos to listen to it and to the review. if it's a bass then my 'research' goes as far as is it pretty? if it's an amp, beyond the obvious, I need to know weight and width, oh, and is it pretty?
  18. OK so I messed up. The TC pedal is 15 quid more than the Valeton, so this is a bargain trade for someone.
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