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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. This looks useful maybe...
  2. YES! and I take that as a huge compliment. Over to you sir!
  3. Clue 2: OK so the bassist wasn't related to the drummer, surprisingly...
  4. Google away - it's all just a bit of fun
  5. Ok no takers so clue time. Released in 1979 it reached number 2 in the UK charts. It was covered somewhat bizarrely by both Frank Skinner and Cannon and Ball. Skinner changed one of the words for his TV performance as it was deemed to be beyond the pale for light entertainment.
  6. Its also the joy of the game we get to learn other stuff. And the clues are fun too, just look at @Stub Mandreland his blackberry whey clue. Awesome.
  7. I have enjoyed shoulder and neck pain for many years. My conclusion is that lightweight basses definitely help, but balance is key. Ultimately I keep the mbrace on hand so if things get really bad I don't hold the weight at all
  8. Oh I say that's a beauty. I love a gold bass but I already have two. Can't justify it even if I thought I could afford it, but good luck.
  9. Gosh. What a grumpy lot we can be. I quite like the pictures in the first post. They remind me a bit of the Bass Collection instrument range.
  10. Damn I love this band so much. Bridget Kearney is some songwriter and a fine bassist too
  11. Nice simple one for you all.....
  12. OK it's Blackberry Way by the Move
  13. COLD COLD??? they are virtually the same bloody song!!!
  14. Sale now pending £35 collected £40 posted The Eden I90-H pedal comes with a shiny metal casing and four knobs. Not two, not three but four. All of which turn and make things change. There is also a button which is a little stiff when pressed with just one finger but put it on the floor and stand on it with the weight of one average human leg and this button really comes into its own. It gives off a satisfying click and makes a light come on. I shall supply you with a power supply. The pedal looks great without it but is less exciting - the light doesn't come on and the four (four!) knobs still turn but produce no obvious effect on your sound. However with the supplied power supply I shall supply this thing is a truly sound altering piece of equipment. But hey you don't have to believe me, why not instead believe some journalist getting paid to tell you how good it is https://www.premierguitar.com/articles/21608-eden-i-90-bass-chorus-review
  15. £100 posted, £95 collected. I've watched these go for between £95 and 110 on ebay lately. There is one used, for the eye wateringly optimistic price of £184 but that must be an aberration. This one comes with free adhesive velcro already applied for you! Also included is an original Electro-Harmonix box, but, and here is the real original twist in this otherwise straightforward sale, the box is not for the POG but a different EHX pedal. I think we can all agree this is a unique selling point so don't delay get your octaver today. (or tomorrow of course, I'm in no rush) There is no battery compartment in this pedal and I don't have a specific power supply for it but have been running it for a year or so off a standard 9v daisy chain power supply with no issues at all.
  16. I got one of these (see my Accidental Ashdown Experience thread) don't hesitate, just buy it. Seriously powerful, versatile and fine sounding bit of kit.
  17. Did a wedding this weekend. First one for this band. I tried but they got themselves wound up and over thought it. Inevitable disappointment when surprise surprise no one really cared much what we did. Second half singer loosened up, did what she does best and got people dancing. Junked some of the stuff she was going to play and replaced with those wedding staples which predictably went down well. Seems to me Play That Funky Music and Superstition are as much a part of a wedding as cake and photographs. No one is passionate about them but everyone expects them to be there.
  18. Glad it was a success. Stevie will be getting my vote in the Basschat best Basschatter end of year poll 🗳
  19. Powering it separately but from same extension 4 gang...
  20. Produced an utterly filthy synth sound this evening and virtually noiseless. I am now suspecting the amp I used , the venue's power and /or my extension leads. In case anyone is wondering I put it through three octavers. All 100% wet signals first octave down, then up, then down again. Lots of compression and an overdrive. 🤢
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