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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Tim bought an amp from me. Excellent Basschatter, prompt payment, great comms. Thanks Tim, happy to recommend you to all who sail in the good ship Basschat
  2. Sometimes a review leaves me wishing I'd been there. Like this one ☝️
  3. Mark sold me a Markbass pedal which arrived beautifully packaged, on time and his communication was excellent throughout. Thanks again Mark happy to recommend you to everyone here.
  4. Two gigs of three done. Couldn't imagine a greater contrast. Last night a big venue virtually empty but those there polite and friendly. Thursday a packed pub seething with drunkeness and violence. Tonight a football club. Who knows what that will be like. It's a fun little run because it's not only three different towns but three different bands too. Took my Harley Benton with me to the barracks town where the worst of the fighting took place and while it was a good choice for its robustness its a little heavy for close quarters hand to hand combat. Tonight I'll go with something lighter so if I need to I can get a faster swing.
  5. Hey @stevie what did you stick on the handle? And to what end?
  6. Any one using the term frightful ar$e is clearly anything but.
  7. I discovered the eq switch last night. Played half the gig with it off! Sounded OK surprisingly
  8. I can't bear it. Any of it. The whole David Brent culture makes me I'll.
  9. I am a tart. I can't deny it. I think it stems from a restless soul. I'm always looking for novelty, never satisfied for long with whatever was new just moments before. I remember a fellow alchy saying when asked what his favourite drink was he invariably replied 'the next one'. I'm a bit like that with amps, cabs, effects, instruments, cases, straps, cables etc etc etc etc etc etc
  10. I used an Ampeg in a rehearsal room once and thought it was pants! The Ashdown I've fallen for seemed anything but special to me on its first outing. It was only after pairing it with a BF and discovering that magic 'grind' nob that I was smitten. Of course one man's nut roast is another man's beetroot salad as they say. Also I seem able to love Behringer, Trace, Ashdown, TCE, Ampeg, solid state, hybrid, all valve, class D, so I think I'm just really lucky.
  11. Mine has a weekend of gigs coming up. The Trace isn't speaking to me after being told it was relegated to back up tonight
  12. That's really great thank you
  13. Hope it's helpful to you. Plug it into your pc and look at the difference it's making. It might not instantly appear much to you but overall your sound will be more consistent, so the band will sound better too. It's a piece in the jigsaw.
  14. They absolutely make you sound better than you are unless you're already really really good and in exquisite control of your technique.
  15. I'll tell you what... I reckon you can tell the quality of gear by the quality of the people who choose it. You Asdowners are all great.
  16. My goodness me. You would imagine they'd plaster the presence of that little blighter all over the place. Maybe even a window so we could watch it glow.
  17. Really? You wouldn't be kidding an old man now would you? It makes no mention anywhere on the outside that it has a tube in it.
  18. Now you're talking. Norm is the man.
  19. Are you saying you've owned nothing made by Ashdown? Or did you mean nothing but Ashdown?
  20. Bought a couple of cabs a while back and the seller threw in an Ashdown head. I mean, seriously this was a reasonable deal for the cabs alone so the head was almost a freebie. I never had any intention of owning this amp, I have trace Elliot for that kind of thing but still, now it's mine why not give it a whirl. Last night we rehearsed at Real World and the sound was a step up from the usual dives I work in. Seriously good. I popped the amp (an ABM500H if you're wondering) atop a Barefaced cab (15" no horn) and after 10 minutes fiddling got a good sound. It had a kind of Trace vibe I thought but a character all of it's own. there's an octaver built in (just like on the Behringer BX4500H I used to use) but that just muddied up my tone so I left it alone. I was playing a bit of soul and wanted a relatively straightforward, authentic sound, but wouldn't have minded a nice valve grumble like my Ampeg gives me. So I wound up this little nob with 'Input Mix' written above it. It goes from 'clean' to 'grind' and by golly it sounded splendid. Of all the tube like facsimiles I've tried this honestly came closest to giving me that gorgeous thickening, that sumptuous fattening, that satisfying all enveloping hug of a valve amp. I may struggle to sell this 'bonus' amp after all. Oh, did I mention it was really loud? Because it was. And at 8 ohms too. Can I join the Ashdown lovers club please?
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