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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Is this already a thing? Can't find it if it is but I'm amazed if it isn't. If so close or merge or whatever modding magic you guys do. Here's the plan. Record a brief clip of you playing the bass part to a tune (a well known tune might help but hey that's up to the folk who take part) first one to guess the tune uploads the next clip. You know - like the picture quiz you guys have in the OT forum.. So what song is this from?
  2. For one thing I can now pronounce Moog properly.
  3. Thanks both. Might stick with what I have...
  4. Anyone know how good the octaver is on this pedal? Seen a couple used going for reasonable price. I could part fund by selling my Micro POG but not if the MB isn't up to snuff.
  5. It's still my favourite. Gets played more than all the others. Best business I ever did
  6. But I wouldn't put bicarb on my chips
  7. Vinegar and bicarb make a powerful cleaning combination
  8. I'm down your way end of next month hopefully you will have sold this before then and I'll still have £200 in my bank
  9. Read some reviewers complaining about sleep mode kicking in between songs and the unit taking too long yo wake up. Can you tell me how long does it wait before going to sleep mode?
  10. Love it when Basschat introduces me to new music. Thank you @PawelG
  11. Sorry I had missed that detail! I think I followed Stevie's link to the corner pieces. Again apologies for what must have seemed a rude response earlier. Not intended to be.
  12. I thought it was a joke. Sorry. I was trying to be funny back. What is all this ki- business?
  13. And no it was never what you'd call 'bright' but thump? Oh yes it has thump.
  14. Dammit. Is that my bass? I want it back now.
  15. I've started! My corner pieces have arrived. I shall select a drawer and it shall be filled with bits for the cab build.
  16. Great little combos these. I use the 2x8 version for rehearsal and small gigs. Paired with a second cab its very impressive. However where it really surprised me was at a venue which turned out to be much bigger than I'd been led to believe. No FOH support and no second cab. Four other instrumentalists and a full drum kit. I had no option but to crank it and it coped brilliantly. Anyway, just saying in case anyone is wondering about this combo.
  17. Haha, be a long time before I can A) afford a t shirt and B) fit into a large anyway
  18. First band I ever saw live. Scott Gorham, Brian Robertson era. One of the memories I shall carry with me to the end.
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