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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Nice to meet you. Hope you enjoy whats on offer hereabouts. Just remember we all talk a good bass expert but the real knowledgeable ones are very few 😉
  2. So glad this went well for you, sounds like a great idea. And if you get a band out of it, even better.
  3. Bruce Thomas Profile bass. I'll not sell mine until 2060.
  4. Oh my goodness, it surely was
  5. Good grief if you use this for just one effect it's still a steal at that price.
  6. Half time in a surprisingly busy Sunday night hotel gig. The Groovilium is flowing
  7. Just slung my TE in the car for tonight's gig. It will be atop 2 BF 15" cabs and I can't wait.
  8. Thanks guys. I'll see what she wants to do.
  9. A friend took up the bass and now wants to move on. Asked me how much she might get for her gear. I don't even know what the bass is! If you know what it is could you let me know. Is the amp worth anything? £50? less? Don't know what to tell her really. Thank you bottom end hive mind
  10. Bought a pedal from Nick and he is a really great guy to deal with. Showed me proof of postage, got it off to me really quickly, beautifully packaged and in precisely the condition advertised. Make no mistake, this is a man you can deal with. Highly recommended.
  11. There's a lovely Chowny winks at me every time I go in my local music shop. I've resisted so far but they are really nice.
  12. Bought an expression pedal to expand the horizons of my Zoom B3. Any ideas for its uses? I can plug it in, make it go up and down.
  13. Thank you! I'm none the wiser as to where mine originated but it's lovely to look at and once I've played it in and set it up to my tastes it'll be a keeper!
  14. I will perform with literally any instrument regardless of the monetary value. If you like it, it plays well, looks and feels right why change any of it? I often choose so called lesser basses for gigs over big name ones simply because I enjoy using them. At the end of the day whether playing for fun or a living music should always be a joy. The bronco gives you joy. I'd say that's a win.
  15. Interesting. I didn't want the hassle of importing via Ali Express so I was glad to find this in my local shop. Didn't know Chowney made basses for Ali Express. Verily Basschat is a font of knowledge. 🤓
  16. That my friend is a work of genius. Love the hinged access. Its really well done
  17. I should add my singer has perfect pitch - she really is very good - so the harmonies ought to sound just fine.
  18. We had a solo support the other night. He was singing rather nicely when suddenly these invisible backing singers joined him with some pitch perfect harmonies. Their timing too was exquisite. I realised at once what was happening and began to try to prize the back of the nearest PA cab to get a look the little elves hidden inside. After the rest of my band had restrained and quieted me they explained that in fact there were no elves merely an effect pedal which enabled the fellow to harmonise with himself! Imagine! Here is where my genius really took hold. I've always envied those bassists who stride to the microphone during a chorus and pick out a perfect third or fifth to the melody. My singing skills are more suited to the kind of football crowd bawling favoured by the likes of Sham 69and others of that ilk. If I secretly routed the singer's microphone through one of these pedals, and had it at my feet I could stamp on it and mime along whenever I felt it appropriate. Brilliant! In fact what could possibly go wrong?
  19. Taxidermy isn't popular any more?
  20. I'm in an ongoing mic stand candy war with a singer. She added a tambourine holder so I got a drink holder, that kind of thing. This is why I have a phone holder as well as a tablet holder. To my utter shame and bewilderment I caught myself messaging someone while playing the other night. Addictive behaviour in action.
  21. I did it once depping at a wedding. Had 4 tunes I'd never played. Music stand side stage so I could glance over if I got stuck. Now I play in so many bands and haven't time to learn any of the sets by heart I use iReal Pro on a tablet. More discreet, more efficient.
  22. I'd like to and it looks like a really nice bass but I'm trying to sell not buy and I'm not in London any time soon 😕
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