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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I'm in an ongoing mic stand candy war with a singer. She added a tambourine holder so I got a drink holder, that kind of thing. This is why I have a phone holder as well as a tablet holder. To my utter shame and bewilderment I caught myself messaging someone while playing the other night. Addictive behaviour in action.
  2. I did it once depping at a wedding. Had 4 tunes I'd never played. Music stand side stage so I could glance over if I got stuck. Now I play in so many bands and haven't time to learn any of the sets by heart I use iReal Pro on a tablet. More discreet, more efficient.
  3. I'd like to and it looks like a really nice bass but I'm trying to sell not buy and I'm not in London any time soon 😕
  4. I have a semi acoustic my dad bought me. It looks awesome but sounds dull and hangs horribly. I can't part with it. I know I'd feel awful. I've considered moving it on like you are. Like you my option is a major operation. I've not been keen but I know I won't play it until I do it so I'd better bite that bullet.
  5. Found a shot from the early days. I couldn't recall my cab but I see it was a Laney 4x10. Looks like a boss chorus pedal down there too.
  6. Can't recall what the first bass was - it belonged to the drummer in the band. I was supposed to be auditioning for rhythm guitar! The bass player had just walked and my stumpy fingers seemed ideal for the role. I owned a Kay 🏏 first of all but went immediately from there to an Aria Pro ll SB. Talk about ridiculous to the sublime. I still have it, still love it. (the Aria, not the Kay 🏏). Put it through an H&H guitar head (mmmm green lights) into a 2x15 H&H cab both long since gone I know not where. My first real bass amp was a Carlsboro Cobra 90 and I loved it. However it had something called a 'compressor' which, when you depressed the button, produced the startling effect of making the Aria sound more like the Kay 🏏.
  7. Hmmm, the GAS is strong in this one Luke.
  8. Absolutely but we'll have to wait for some light!
  9. I agree with you actually. I'd love to source a more Ric tail piece but who knows where one would find such things? Anyway next time I'm over the bridge I'll bring it with me, I often visit family in Tintern, I'll pm you and you can have a bash.
  10. Well, I wouldn't want anyone thinking it was a counterfeit
  11. Ofr course I am merely going on the say so of the guy I brought it from who said it's made by the guy who makes that one (pointing at the gorgeous semi acoustic) which had Chowny written on it. I played it, briefly, through a guitar amp but knew almost instantly it was coming with me.
  12. No a Chowny. They make the Retrovibe, among others.
  13. I can hand on heart honestly say that had this not been in the shop I would have walked out with the cash. That semi acoustic in teal definitely didn't appeal. Honest. Well, not very much.
  14. Yeah I know. Its just hopeless isn't it?
  15. When clearing my old heavy gear to make space after a drastic and unplanned downsizing I realised no Basschatter would want what I was ditching. Too old too heavy and I needed room immediately. So down to our local 2nd hand shop it went. Someone else storing it for me, no delivery or postage hassle, seemed to make sense. Not much use for a quick sale as stuff has to sit there awaiting the ideal buyer to wander in but out of my way. Popped today amazed to find a couple of cabs had gone. One I can't for the life of me even remember owning! So of course I pocketed the cash minus the guy's commission and invested it wisely. Did I bo||ock$. I turned my cow into magic beans there and then.....
  16. Hi @brensabre79 it's actually a different one but I suspect wiring in the other one too!
  17. You've made a beautiful job of that @Johannes Bass love the kick back hinge!
  18. Don't see the two as mutually exclusive
  19. I've discovered the joy of the trade. Bringing home all sorts of things I had no idea I wanted.
  20. Any Basschatters travelling from Manchester to the west country?
  21. Sadly, within reason is an insufficiently elastic term for us. I'm just too far away. But lord I love me some Trace Elliott.
  22. Come on then, be honest with yourself, what do you start looking at when the objects of your desire have become an obscene, bloated collection for which you barely have storage space never mind the time to use? I find the insidious addictive worm in my brain tells me to look at effects. I invariably buy them, toy with them in a desultory, distracted way, use them for a couple of gigs, decide they just add more time to set up and pack down and don't improve my playing at all and into the cupboard they go. But I have to gas for something , right? Also caught myself contemplating a fretless. Don't need one. Used to use one before deciding it wasn't for me. But ... I don't have one. What about you?
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