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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Thanks @Dazed that's exactly what I needed to know.
  2. I know nothing of these instruments. Anyone tell me what one like this is worth in vgc second hand? One being offered locally either at the right price or a bit of a bargain but I don't know and the only new ones I can find differ from this particular model. Warwick Rockbass fretless 4 I believe
  3. Not yet. All blurry phone crapola from a gig but soon I promise
  4. Got my first Fender last year but I traded it on Saturday. For a Fender.
  5. Back in the day it was Aria or Westone. We never actually came to blows over it and didn't realise the name which really mattered was Matsumoku on the neck plate. I have a couple of Thunders, sale pending on one and the other needs a little work to realise its worth. Of course if you're lucky to find one given away....
  6. I think that's reflections. I zoomed on the first image and they look fine
  7. I know my obsession with all bass gear is just that - an irrational obsession. But it's fun reading the pointy heads and those who wish they knew as much arguing the toss though!
  8. I've had a gig cancelled. I'm regularly in Swindon and always up for a challenge. Pm me
  9. You're not fooling anyone. We all know you need it.
  10. In fairness 1 isn't working at all and one has a fault makes it unreliable for gigs and one is too small for all but small gigs so 5 gig worthy amps
  11. I should add this is verified oomph. Any amp can produce vaguely defined heft and airily described properties like output, beef, power and headroom. Very few have officially verified oomph.
  12. Well I met James and relieved him of some bass gear and I can happily commend him to you all. He's a genuine guy, a real pleasure to deal with, excellent communication and scrupulously honest. Great to meet you mate, hope you enjoy the shift to amp free gigging.
  13. I enjoyed a bass trade with Martin in the most salubrious of surroundings. We met in the car park of a sumptuous hotel in Stratford On Avon but the owner insisted we came inside and so we did. Beats the dogging lay-bys and service station car parks we usually employ. Martin is honest, genial, friendly and his communication has been prompt throughout. A pleasure to deal with you sir.
  14. Thanks guys. I have held off from selling this for ages but as Merton suggests there is a sensible limit to how many amps one needs. I am currently at 8 so the cull has begun.
  15. Ladies and gentlemen, we have here an Eden Nemesis amplifier. 650 Watts of FET heft, with the most responsive tone controls I've ever known. Eden owners will understand what I mean. Oodles of oomph (and I mean oodles), massive sound and a crazy bright blue lit name which will be the envy of all who encounter it. Annoyingly missing a knob cap otherwise beautiful to behold. These are simple to source and I might just source one for you. If you don't want the frankly brilliantly convenient gator case / rack bag then I'll pop the amp out and reduce the price accordingly. Do I want to post this? Well it's a bit heavy to be honest and I'm here and there gigging most weekends so happy to meet you. I haven't pictured the light because it's dangerous to point a camera at something brighter than the sun. Did I say you can run this at 2ohms? Because I should have.
  16. I'm so lucky with our keys guy. He's happy to set up behind me. Sharing space with my cabs usually
  17. OK. I don't have those but have a sale agreed on a bass. If this is still here when that all goes through I'll take it off your hands
  18. It's a Fender jazz. In fairness I'm trading it so NBD ought to assuage my grief!
  19. Next time I shall play it before I put it up for sale!
  20. Losing a bass this weekend. Did the decent thing and gave it a run through to ensure all was well. Oh god what a beautiful neck. Oh my what a gorgeous sound. Oh hell what was I thinking. etc etc etc
  21. I use one. Not needed to use it live yet but when my shoulder injury flares it is ready to step into the breach. I have used it for long rehearsals, and while it took a little getting used to it was nice to have no weight on my neck for a few hours. Didn't clobber anyone with the headstock either.
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