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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I was faced with a similar dilemma (couple big old TE cabs . What swayed me in the end was the extra length the castors added to the cabs (while in transit) and needing four for each cab. So I made a dolly instead. Easier to transport and can be used to move other heavy stuff too.
  2. Wow I let this slip down to page 12! Sorry if you have been looking for this.
  3. Ooo er. Think we'd better take this somewhere private...
  4. Nice! Somewhere in the country someone is sitting on a pile of those little white caps. He steals one from every Trace Elliot amp ever made. If only you weren't so far away.
  5. Sale only or any trades you might be interested in?
  6. Superglue always in my bits box. It really works.
  7. Adagio branded strings. I buy from ebay. Flats are really comfortable to play and nice and, well, thumpy. I also have a set of their bronze wound acoustic bass strings and they are really really nice. Not Harley benton cheap but a tenner for rounds and 15 for flats seems reasonable to me.
  8. Don't despair, take a bit of time away and come back refreshed. This is beautiful, I wish you good luck.
  9. Friday's gig got cancelled on me. I was supposed to be in Bicester and have already paid for the hotel. Anyone know any venues up that way? Was going to phone around see if I can get something.
  10. The reason for the travel bass is so I can cycle to rehearsal.
  11. As to the Fearless Flyers I do have this option as a last resort.
  12. I'm talking about a light travel bass so adding a little weight to the back end really isn't a problem. I have serious problems with a shoulder and neck injury also I'm taking about cycling to rehearsals with this bass. Apologies for not making this clearer.
  13. Wish you could look effortlessly cool playing this bass in black and white? Have your drummer gaze longingly at you? You might be too late as it is now on hold ...
  14. Very good point about the rhythm section not being confined to us and the tub thumpers. I always play well with one of my fave drumming buddies, by well I mean I play less because I'm playing with him and it's what we're doing together that benefits the band. However I also have another friend, a rare gem who is a rhythm guitarist through and through. Sure he can solo but get this - he doesn't want to! He loves locking down the rhythm and when the three of us are together my oh my. It's a powerful engine.
  15. OK. Have to report the through the belt option is not, after all, a good one. Not for me. You may love it. After doing an entire gig with an extremely light but ill balanced little bass my bad shoulder flared up mightily. The problem is the hack doesn't really cure the neck dive it tricks the bass into thinking it's cured by anchoring it and preventing it diving. So as I discovered this means the bass continues to try to dive throughout the night. Even a little weight continually dragging at one spot can mess up my delicate old bod. The advantage of my counterweight idea is that although it adds weight it achieves a balance and so the pressure is better distributed and comes down at a better angle. We live and learn.
  16. It's not that heavy............ honest
  17. Pete and Bruce Thomas of Attractions fame. Not easy to drum with such a restless, melodic bass player and still stand out as a great drummer. In their heyday they made a wonderful team.
  18. I have an awkward load in, no on street parking nor carpark nearby and very cramped playing area tonight. Cracking venue though. And they love the band. I shall therefore be using a rig I can carry through the city so the Veyron will be flying without a safety net tonight! One lightweight cab, travel bass! And just enough cables. I'll be thrown out of the bassist Union at this rate.
  19. THIS☝️ This is the winner. All my other Heath Robinson stuff is out the window. Simple and so effective. Thank you @goingdownslow what an elegant, simple, effective solution. You are at the top of my list.
  20. HB? Excellent but heavy. Bass centre? Just excellent.
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