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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I wasn't aware of this. I suffered no problems though. Which is good.
  2. Interesting you should ask. Yes it is a spaceship board in a hard case. And yes it did prevent proper closing. I removed the front 'legs' and problem solved. Small faff each time but well worth it.
  3. I should have communicated my discovery earlier. I'm so sorry. But you can never have too many PSUs right? 😬
  4. Used it last night. No problems at all. Very happy.
  5. Tonight's little set up
  6. I have the hardcased pedal board and bought the appropriate power bar for that board
  7. No it slots into the sides.
  8. 100% The bar comes with the side rails so you would only need to add as many bars as you desire. Also the power bar and sides are drilled and threaded ready for the feet 👍
  9. I assume you refer to the presence of the Poly Blue? The Plethora has the sub n up, a harmoniser, and a pitch shift. In short there isn't much it can't do octave wise. However...the MXR Poly Blue is just my favourite pedal. Honestly there's so much it can do. And it's so easy to adjust on the fly. It's overkill having so many options but I like simplicity, and the Plethora is a simple way to have 5 pedals in a small space. It can do so much more of course but it handles my modulation and compression needs admirably.
  10. You could fit this to most boards. Just get the right width!
  11. Trying to find the ultimate set up. This is the latest iteration. However it's already changed this morning since being built last night.
  12. I've just heard from the bandleader that this has now been filled. However my regular dep is leaving permanently (she used to be in the band as a singer) so there is an opening for someone to time share with me. I joined as a temporary replacement because other commitments kept me too busy for a full time role. Since when I've ended up playing with them when I can and she's filled in when I can't. If you fancy it, the band is great fun, message me and I'll put you in touch with the man himself. http://www.thepublicans.co.uk/
  13. I should add, I also bought some of the HB pedal raiser thingies. There's four of them on the top rows of the board. Pleasantly surprised how good they are. Metal, really solid, already velcro on top and bottom and pre drilled for those who might prefer to fix them that way. Deliberately riddled with slots and holes to facilitate simple cable runs in any conceivable direction.
  14. In my quest for the ultimate pedal board power system I've tried so many solutions. The best and most affordable was the rechargeable power pack. But I just couldn't shake the nagging fear that it would run flat mid performance. I should add that it never did. Ever. But I'm not a rational being and I hate distraction while I'm playing . So enter my latest (last?) PSU. The power bar replaces the top bar in your HB board. In fact you take the whole thing apart and replace the sides as well. Unless you buy it as a 'power board' which is a board with the power bar already built in. They come in different widths to suit your needs. Power via a kettle lead, have pretty green lights, a multitude of options in including USB outs on the front. Mine (the 60) has 13 fully isolated silent outputs. Even I couldn't use them all! There is a 3000ma 9v for hungry multi effects, a 24v link, multiple 500ma, 300ma and 250ma 9v, and four 500ma sockets switchable for 12, 18 or 9v. The unit comes packaged with all the gubbins you could ever want. Velcro, power cables of various lengths, cables to reverse polarity, cables to link a 9v battery, cables for old pedals with mini jack inputs. There's even a bag of cable tidy clips. Simple, elegant, efficient and effective.
  15. It's utterly silent! The 3A supply is overkill for my Plethora but plenty if I decide to go with a different multi. The usb on the front will be perfect for keeping the tablet charged during a gig. @OwenI care that you bought an HB Beatle bass, by the way.
  16. As I put the power board together I was struck by just how good HB stuff really is. Not just cheap, but well thought out, well made, solid gear. The restraint I've shown not to buy a new HB bass for nearly 3 months has been, I think, quite commendable.
  17. I believe it has some kind of dedicated apple support
  18. Best advice from this numpty is: the mobile app is very easy to use. If you choose pre made patches and just edit the output level, bass and treble and mix levels, it's a good 'way in' to the editor. @Quatschmacher's patches are the best.
  19. Hopefully it will sell before I'm in funds again 😬
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