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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I have put up a touring band before to save them sleeping in their van. They were so grateful for the shower and hot breakfast!
  2. Always a catch. They cost nearly two grand.
  3. Drove up to the delightful west Midlands to meet Geoff and buy a couple of carpet covered boxes. He was a splendid host, cup of tea, juice for the drive home. Allowed me to punish the cab when I tested it and was generally an all round good bloke. Fair price, great comms, recommended.
  4. @Jakester exemplifies everything good and decent about Basschat. I sold an amp to a BCer based way out East. Neither of us were keen on employing a courier and the drive is not a pleasant one and over long. After an appeal for help Jake stepped in and offered to deliver the amp for us. He works not far from me and happened to be travelling towards my buyer not long after the sale was agreed. Great communications, helpful and selfless. Top man.
  5. Swindon is stacked with live venues. Moonrakers , the Steam Railway, the Messenger, The Deer Leap, the Kings, RAFA club, the Vic, Jovial Monk off the top of my head.
  6. Thanks folks. I'd not tried Premier Inn as they always seem quite pricey but I'll look into booking farther ahead. Booking.com add £££ at the checkout so their cheap rates often aren't. I have a phobia around being in other people's homes so Airbnb is not an option. Didn't know about the voucher website or the theatre trick. Thanks again
  7. Have you found a knack for sourcing cheap hotels when gigging away from home? I don't earn much from my bands and while I sometimes get lucky with a travelodge room for £25 I wonder if there are seasoned, wiley travellers who know their way around the murky waters of the cheap bed.
  8. Give me a shout if you change your mind about posting the reverb unit. Stew
  9. Yes but I don't want to make more work for you
  10. Right up until the bit where you said it was more work for you. Up until then I was sold on the less expensive option.
  11. What's the story behind this filth? Bloody pornography.
  12. Seriously though Jim it is an incredibly tiny package. You think you could gig with two of those little guys?
  13. Hey @stevie what are the drawbacks of the cheaper crossover?
  14. Got a ticket for the London Palladium. Can't afford to get up there and been offered a gig which I can't afford to turn down. Check my feedback this is all pukka.
  15. I'm planning interchangeable coloured cloth to match the different band colour schemes.
  16. Thank you for all your hard work Stevie. I am selling whatever I can to fund my flat pack.
  17. Hmm. This 'Ped' makes a lot of sense. Maybe humans aren't that stupid after all.
  18. I do try to play Footloose as per the original but only as a challenge to myself and no other reason - even then there's a couple of variations which I gloss over! I try to do the fart slides in I Wish but never in the right places. Fart Slides. Band name, I call it.
  19. This is Basschat at its best. Knowledgeable, helpful, friendly, a little bit eccentric and not a snide sarcastic comment in sight. Love it.
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