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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Thank you so much for pointing this out. Its a term of abuse used by people so insecure in their argument that they have to resort to insulting those who dare to point out their insensitivity and selfishness. Reacting to rudeness as rudeness does not equate to expecting special treatment.
  2. I know, lots of folk I hoped to see too, including your good self of course. We shall have to arrange a get together sometime soon. You can try out the Profile then.
  3. It is in truth an indulgence of ours to worry about such niceties. As long as folk feel the bass they appear quite content to focus on the singer - until the guitarist begins screeching and howling then he or she receives their 30 seconds of adulation. I set my sound how I like it because almost nobody else gives a hoot. And yes that means the gorgeous warm richness of a mid scoop. For one cab. The other, driven by its own amp, delivers as much or little of the mid range frequencies as I see fit to give myself. But really, how often do I get chance to listen to the bass in the mix? Hardly ever, I'm too busy setting up the PA for everyone else. I've played through broken equipment and received the same compliments and indifference as when using brand new shiny gear. People do seem to notice flashy lights, extreme audio effects, and size, not much else.
  4. Bad news. I can't make it. Work commitments put me in the wrong part of the country at the wrong time. Gutted.
  5. Lovely Sunday afternoon into early evening in Pewsey. Bunch of us get together and entertain folk (and each other) with three hours of unrehearsed tunes. Some standards others just stuff one of us might like. Loosely country and blues oriented but in reality we end up playing whatever we can all get though. Three hours is a pretty big time slot! It's such a lovely way to round off a weekend's gigging. No band politics because we're not really a band. Not tiring as we all sit. Not stressful because no one is in charge. Not restrictive because I can play whatever bassline comes into my head. Not too late a finish.We get paid, get drinks bought for us and asked back. Can't think of anything missing.
  6. Bleary eyed after time traveling last night. Bluddy clocks changed as I drove home. Played one of those 60s pubs in Swindon which have a huge function room with a very wide very narrow stage. My rig just about coped without pa support but I'll take something with more oomph next time we're there. Typical Saturday night crowd, lively, up for it, and fun. Singer always arrives late for second set so we've taken to starting without her. Last night, evidently not prepared to wait, a punter clambered onto the stage and started singing. She was ok, but exited sharpish when the boss turned up. Quite an imposing woman is our singer. Got paid, got home in one piece. On to the next one this afternoon.
  7. Worked rather well. I had the super powerful little class D amp with me anyway so I took a pre eq DI from the Trace to the Veyron and connected that to the 1x10. Got a big fat bass sound out of the TE head and 2x10 cab and a crisp upper mid and top sound from the Veyron and 1x10. Over complicated? Not really. Took seconds to set up. Sounded pretty good too
  8. Chris is correct. I have a cunning solution.
  9. Or maybe it should be 'Things Basschat has taught me which I've finally managed to grasp'. In this instance it's about bunging mis-matched speaker cabs together. It seems that the speed of the group is determined by its slowest member. The penny finally dropped last night. If I put a 2x10 cab and a 1x10 cab to the same amp they can only handle what the 1x10 can handle. Because both cabs are getting the same oopmh from the amp. It's not like it's three speakers so it's capable of handling a third more oomph than two can. I get it now. I need to put a second 2x10 not just add a 1x10. Sorry Basschat, you have explained this over and again
  10. Loved the gig. Only defence I have is the singer and drummer (who usually does the PA) went to the wrong venue so it was either leave it until they arrived late or set it up myself. I did make the guitarist do some too
  11. Some of us do actually struggle with manuals. It's all to do with the way different people absorb information.
  12. Ok so I lasted one gig. Ended up setting up the whole PA last night and fixing the singers 'adjustments' as the gig went on. I did refuse to carry any of it though. Does that count?
  13. Great crowd, up for it dancing from the first tune. Won't make any money as the gig was in Uxbridge so petrol and hotel ate the cash but 2nd time out with new band and it all helps get us tight. Out in Swindon tonight same band new venue for me. Trying to train the singer to understand how a PA works (ie not by magic) is great fun. She's really raw but awesome stage presence, great voice and good with the punters. Roll on.
  14. I know what the op means. You could glean interesting insight from the comments others made. Learn more reasons to buy something you previously hadn't realised you needed. All communities evolve I suppose.
  15. Weekend of gigs and rehearsals coming up. I shall be using all Trace stuff for the first time in years. 250 head, 2x10 and 1x10 cabs. I shall have my Bugera Veyron in the leads box as back up but hopefully all will go smoothly. I know nobody in the band or audience will notice or care but being a bass player I'm used to that. I will get huge pleasure just looking at that lovely black and green.
  16. All this talk has almost persuaded me to strap the T Bird to the roof rack for this weekends gigs
  17. Clear as mud. Nothing like Basschat for staying on message!! Someone even managed to kick Behringer's marketing department. And I got misty eyed about my first car. What more do you want?
  18. And my Austin Maxi had enough room to sleep twelve.
  19. I'd be surprised if they lie about ohms.
  20. Utterly sublime instruments these. This looks particularly gorgeous. Good luck with the sale.
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