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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I have more industrial options if I have someone to lift in and out of the car for me
  2. I have just finished assembling a 3X10 stack of a similar configuration. Trace Elliot watts though so gawd knows what it can handle.
  3. Hey, just buy back your MB NY151s from me. They have Roqsolid covers now too. Cut and bottom by the spade full, light and solid.
  4. I think it's reasonable to be a bit cross if you feel you have paid for something then get asked to pay again for it.
  5. This is inspiring. I have a Trace cab in a tatty state. I had to replace the speaker which turned out to be flucked when I got it home. I think I might have a go and reviving the box. Thank you.
  6. I did join SBL at the same time as taking up lessons with a tutor. The face to face lessons cost me way more but with the incentive of a real person who I am paying waiting at the end of the week I worked much harder. Also the lessons were very much personalised for me and I learned saleable skills which are now getting me work. I used a course on SBL to learn a specific skill and I did. It worked just fine. Yes there is interesting background chat from the tutor just like my real life tutor would chat. I never measured it but 80/20 does seem a little unlikely. Simple fact is you can't just teach teach teach you need to allow a student to absorb the lesson as you go along. Learning for me is an holistic experience so, for example, the slap course for beginners included some information about the history of slap bass which I found valuable and informative. Having said all that, don't fecking charge me for a course if I'm already a payed up member. Leaves a very bad taste.
  7. Not gigged it yet but the 1 10 is surprisingly loud. Now I've paired it with a 2 10 it's massive.
  8. Part two arrived today. Oh my. Have a butchers...
  9. You guys are so kind. @Moos3h I'm out all day today but thank you. @Jakester be delighted to take you up on the offer. I will pm you. Thanks again both.
  10. Probably the best sound of any bass I've ever played. Relocate strap button and neck dive is solved. Coolest looking and most comfortable bass you'll own too. However, white? Really?
  11. Bit of a long shot here. Wonder if there are any Basschatters can help with an amp delivery. Myself and @bridge have agreed a sale but I'm in deepest darkest Somerset and he's in the badlands of Bedfordshire. For various reasons a courier isn't an option so is anyone going to be travelling roughly between these two areas any time soon? If so could you help?
  12. Oh yeah. Of course. That too
  13. Friday evening. Only depped for the band once, got asked back! If you do come you'll know which one I am because I'll be desperately trying to A) Stay awake and B) Remember any of the songs
  14. They've told us to plug into their speakers but not if we need powered mixer or if they have powered monitors. They did say we need xlr cables which leads me to assume they must have powered monitors. Thought I'd ask here rather than try to find out from bar staff over the phone!
  15. Anyone played at Whelan's in Uxbridge before? Have a question about the house PA...
  16. Bought a lovely little Trace cab of this most excellent Basschatter. Lovely guy, fair and honest and easy to deal with. Buy and sell with confidence.
  17. I am looking after it very well. Thank you. In fact I'm playing through it right now.
  18. The op could have been me. All my musical life I've felt folk just didn't want to listen to my opinions and ideas. I got lucky recently and found a way to let schit go, not try to change anything unless folk want it changed and just roll with it. What happened? I started playing for the money not as a hobby or release from work. Now I take any gig and realise if I want to improve the band I can only do that through my bass playing. I can't control anyone else. If they ask I tell them otherwise I learn my parts, keep my car running and my gear working. Since I stopped caring about having an opinion life got a whole lot easier.
  19. Derail away I love it. That Elf makes the cab look huge too
  20. Just assume that I don't, for the benefit of those less well travelled
  21. You were right too. And boy it sounds so good!
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