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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Just assume that I don't, for the benefit of those less well travelled
  2. You were right too. And boy it sounds so good!
  3. This was all a bit of a whirlwind romance. I only found out about her yesterday and here we are happily ensconced in my room already. A Trace Elliot BLX 110 which sits daintily beneath my trusty Series 6 head and makes it sound like a normal bass amp but with honey on. Not light, not by any stretch but the easiest lift of any TE cab I've ever owned. Two of these would make for the most adorable and Tracelicious stack ever seen. I have a 210 coming to sit beneath but honestly I think that will be overkill. I know the trend will be away from back line in favour of the Sony Walkman, or whatever young folk use these days, but luckily I'll be dead and buried long before it catches on. In the meantime I'm going to gaze adoringly at my green and black beauties, and sigh with contentment every time I hear that deep satisfying badouff as I flick the power switch to on.
  4. So, I ended up letting the overpriced 110 go but scored one for a sensible price from a fellow Basschatter instead - result. Not proud of it but I do enjoy a game of Ebay roulette where I bid for things I can't afford/don't need to see how close I can get to the winning price without actually winning. I usually bung in a bid a few days before so I get alerts to remind me as the end game draws near. I had no intention of playing for the Trace Elliot 2X10 so I left my bid untouched knowing that there is always a flurry in the last 30 seconds or so. Imagine my surprise to find I've won that too. Luckily I have a couple of sales going trough so I ought to be able to steady the ship but two gigs cancelled this weekend made this a bit of a dodgy game to play with my finances.
  5. I have my fingers firmly crossed for this one.
  6. Yeah I thought 50 and I'm well happy. Especially as I had a gig just round the corner from the seller. Winning both would have given me a TE 3x10 set up which I rather like the sound of!
  7. I'm not bidding against a fellow BCer am I? A 210 TE ending tomorrow and a 110 TE ending today? If so I shall withdraw. No sense in us driving the price up!
  8. Whoops, sorry misread the picture carry on ignore me
  9. You are utterly, completely, and unequivocally correct. I withdraw my statement that are no right answers. Now please come to Somerset and tell my colour blind band-mates that my salmon pink bass is not orange.
  10. Yeah this is what springs to my mind too. I suppose it's diverting to chat about if you have tried these two amps (and a host of others for purposes of comparison) over a long period in many different settings. I think the variables are limitless. A recent example: I played through a class d amp at rehearsal on Saturday with a cheap Harley B jazz bass and it sounded utterly sublime, as it has previously with my old Aria. Same evening put my Bruce Thomas Profile through it (a superior instrument to the HB in every aspect I can think of) and struggled all night to pull the same quality of sound from it. Some amps suit some basses better than others. Go figure. Anyway it's all subjective, so just as a bit of fun these conversations are quite harmless. But really you had just as well ask which colour guitar is best. There is no right or wrong answer.
  11. Phil is a wonderful bloke. Did I buy anything from him? No. Why not? Because he sent me a bass book and cd I was after free of charge. Just asked I donated his postage and packing costs to a charity of my choice. I wasn't even asking for the book just someone to burn the cd for me. He offered without prompting. this is what Basschat is all about as far as I'm concerned.
  12. Yeah I have two Markbass cabs and an Orange Terror up for sale. Put those together and I have a rig better than I could have dreamed of. Why the hell would I want to sell them? I don't get it.
  13. For God's sake don't do it. I really don't want to part with it...
  14. Shipping is possible. Prefer face to face sale but will take the neck off and pack it if necessary.
  15. North East Somerset. In between Bath and Wells. Often gig in and around Swindon, up in Uxbridge end of the month,.
  16. A piece of bass history. Battered and bruised but thumping great p-bass sound. Bridge could do with dipping in vinegar for a day or two as it has tarnished over the years and that washer round the input can't be original. Couple of holes where strap locks were once relocated, easily filled. However it is a genuine Matsumoko product and we know how good they are. Appears to be about 4kg.
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