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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Yes but I don't want to make more work for you
  2. Right up until the bit where you said it was more work for you. Up until then I was sold on the less expensive option.
  3. What's the story behind this filth? Bloody pornography.
  4. Seriously though Jim it is an incredibly tiny package. You think you could gig with two of those little guys?
  5. Hey @stevie what are the drawbacks of the cheaper crossover?
  6. Got a ticket for the London Palladium. Can't afford to get up there and been offered a gig which I can't afford to turn down. Check my feedback this is all pukka.
  7. I'm planning interchangeable coloured cloth to match the different band colour schemes.
  8. Thank you for all your hard work Stevie. I am selling whatever I can to fund my flat pack.
  9. Hmm. This 'Ped' makes a lot of sense. Maybe humans aren't that stupid after all.
  10. I do try to play Footloose as per the original but only as a challenge to myself and no other reason - even then there's a couple of variations which I gloss over! I try to do the fart slides in I Wish but never in the right places. Fart Slides. Band name, I call it.
  11. This is Basschat at its best. Knowledgeable, helpful, friendly, a little bit eccentric and not a snide sarcastic comment in sight. Love it.
  12. Not daft, awesome, well done you! Hope you enjoy every minute of it. And please do share with pics where appropriate.
  13. The only real answer is it depends. I was in a tribute band once and we came from all over so we never rehearsed. It was vital everyone learn and play every part note for note as per the agreed versions. You could have improvised but then how do you know one of the other 8 musicians wasn't taking a cue from the part you changed? However in most other cases it isn't at all important to learn the exact part. Some bands I'm in I improvise everything, never the same twice and no one gives a hoot. In another the band leader is crazy anal about everyone playing precisely what was played on the chart single version, not an album or live version, god forbid. I tried asking if they thought the original artists themselves ever played it like that live but to no avail. Other bands I'm in I do as people here suggest and only recreate those stand out bass parts without which the song would sound unrehearsed. Another band I'm in play almost all originals so they're my bass lines and I can do whatever I want with them. Of course there are covers where I love the bass line and want to learn it for that reason alone, and others where the original was written by someone like James Jamerson and I think to myself if it was good enough for the master who the hell am I to change it? Like I said, it depends.
  14. That's a steal for someone. £400 for an MIJ Jazz? Never mind the finish that's 2/3rds the price by my reckoning.
  15. Congratulations! What an absolute stunner. Is it comfortable to play?
  16. I disable ABP on sites like Basschat.. So I can support them.
  17. I did post that I couldn't make it, sorry if it got lost in the maelstrom.
  18. Trying to tell myself it's a good thing I missed the bash this year because I had too much work on. Couldn't bribe my way into a gig this time last year - but darn it I am gutted to have missed out.
  19. There was an announcement asking us to bear with the admins while this sorted. Doesn't seem too much to ask.
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