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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. It's powerful. It's lightweight. It sounds like the clashing of two mighty armies. It also sounds smooth and creamy. You have choices. It comes in a snazzy case. It is suitable for reggae, metal, blues, pop, afro, country, ska, jazz, folk, R&B, latin, rock and four other genres of your choosing. I might post if it comes to that, but I gig in a few different places and a meet up is always an option. In fact I prefer face to face, truth be told. I may end up in tears if you buy this. Go on, make me cry.
  2. Crazy St Patrick's Day shenanigans yesterday. Played in Oxford in the afternoon and then Bath in the evening. Irish bar in Bath, absolutely heaving, cracking gig, great fun.
  3. First of three gigs yesterday. Last minute booking. Pub gig, odd set up with us tucked around a corner with a choice of playing at an angle to a large pillar or facing one of two ways, either choice meaning one set of punters watching us from the side. For some reason there was quite a few tipsy groups done up for St Patrick's Day - on the 16th! They were high spirited and wanted us to play Irish music. I advised them to come to my two St Patrick's Day gigs I'm doing with my Irish band, actually on the right day. So lunchtime gig in Oxford evening gig in Bath still to come. Busy weekend.
  4. While we're on this topic, I have so many things hanging off my stand these days the thing is prone to toppling over. Are there heavy weight, wide based stands? Heavy weight as opposed to heavy duty I mean. Or am I better off just carrying a weight?
  5. Thank you all so much! And @phil.c60 is a star
  6. Does anyone by any remote chance have the CD which came with this book? Thanks in anticipation Stew
  7. Couldn't bear his music so if I had a say always no. However I am a hired gun so pay me and I play.
  8. If I was coming your way... but sadly all my gigs seem in the other direction.
  9. Really interesting, thanks for sharing can't ever hear enough new music.
  10. Life teaches me all the time. For instance I've learned that there will always be someone better than me and that I can't ever really know how good I am. So the second cancels the first. I don't strive to be better, or the best I can be, I don't want to smother my love for music under such pressure. I will become more comfortable in my playing if I play more often and with a wider range of people. So that's all I can try to do.
  11. Not surprised you have a buyer.
  12. It's a bit of an odd one. Unnoticeable in a live context but a head scratch nonetheless
  13. Hate it when we're forced to part with a favourite instrument. Good luck with the sale, it's a real looker.
  14. I must confess I hadn't noticed it until my little test. Interference from the light around the volume knob? It definitely diminishes as the volume climbs. i use the mute button so proibably never dropped the volume below the 3rd click before, explains why I hadn't noticed.
  15. And the answer is....(drumroll).... Yes. It sounds like a very faintly dirty pot. Never noticed it before. I was going to say something stupid like it seems to disappear the more you turn up the volume but of course it just gets swamped by an enormous bass note. It is so like a dirty pot that I still think it might be but unlike a dirty pot there is no effect on the note, no dead spots. Just a very faint interference. Back off out to give it a squirt of switch cleaner. Will report again.
  16. God that is pretty. How heavy is it?
  17. It's in the lock up but I'll get it out the moment this rain stops and do exactly that
  18. At present I have 3. 2 for live work 1 for rehearsal. If I had every strap I'd ever owned on the other hand I'd have hundreds. Which has got me thinking. What happened to all those straps?
  19. This cash only or are you looking for any trades?
  20. Any software anyone knows would bulk edit the rate rather than one at a time? I have sets for six different bands to organise... EDIT - looks like Foobar does it!
  21. Thanks, I'll look into this. You may have saved me from going round the bend!
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