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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I'm having great fun mixing and matching cabs trying to find the sweet spot for smaller gigs. Just arrived at my hotel after a night with this set up in a pub in Swindon. The TE 210 honking away atop a rumbling MB 115. No idea what it sounded like out front as we didn't have a sound check. Sounded great to me from where I was standing though. My latest idea is to build a flat pack velcro together, dummy TE cab with a Barefaced hidden inside. Genius idea. If I say so myself.
  2. Yep it's a beauty. Problem with getting sudden unwanted bills is having to sell the best of your instruments.
  3. Unbelievably this gorgeous Jazz is still in its box waiting for your address to be attached.
  4. Quick note to those who are troubled by this thread. I know we could cover any song with a trio, I work with a singer who does Bohemian Rhapsody on her own for example. Covering songs only by other three piece bands is just a gimmick. A bit of a fun way to choose a set. Nothing more. I hoped Basschatters would come up with interesting ideas and have fun doing so. This has happened.
  5. Looks quite good actually. Handy for self defence if ever you played the Cavern too.
  6. Thanks folks. It's just a sketch of an outline of half an idea at the moment, but myself, drummer friend and guitarist might look to put a 3 piece together and for the fun of it playing only songs by trios. Not only for our fun though got to appeal to the general public.
  7. Yep. But I am going to be pedantic and stick to trios!
  8. Three piece bands who had hits a pub covers band might please an audience with.. I'm having The Jam, what else have you got? Any style, age genre. Just a well recognised song in their back catalogue - or even two of course. Go hive mind go
  9. Wow! The OP only asked for other examples of songs that don't sit well in the set list. Did not slag any songs off in any way. I joined a soul band and they did an excruciating cover of Michael Jackson's Rock With You which made me want to hide behind a curtain. I'm also in a 70s 80s dance band with the emphasis on disco, funk, electronica - all danceable hit tunes from danceable genres. We open with 20th Century boy which I love but does, to me, stick out like a blind cobbler's thumb. EDIT: OK there is a small dig at Are you Gonna Go My Way but I think we can forgive that - surely?
  10. Always used to tape it to the back of the PA cab. Now I use a tablet. Make a play list on iReal Pro and that is my set list. If its a band I don't play with regularly the advantage is that I can tap on any song and bring up the chords.
  11. Thank you so much for pointing this out. Its a term of abuse used by people so insecure in their argument that they have to resort to insulting those who dare to point out their insensitivity and selfishness. Reacting to rudeness as rudeness does not equate to expecting special treatment.
  12. I know, lots of folk I hoped to see too, including your good self of course. We shall have to arrange a get together sometime soon. You can try out the Profile then.
  13. It is in truth an indulgence of ours to worry about such niceties. As long as folk feel the bass they appear quite content to focus on the singer - until the guitarist begins screeching and howling then he or she receives their 30 seconds of adulation. I set my sound how I like it because almost nobody else gives a hoot. And yes that means the gorgeous warm richness of a mid scoop. For one cab. The other, driven by its own amp, delivers as much or little of the mid range frequencies as I see fit to give myself. But really, how often do I get chance to listen to the bass in the mix? Hardly ever, I'm too busy setting up the PA for everyone else. I've played through broken equipment and received the same compliments and indifference as when using brand new shiny gear. People do seem to notice flashy lights, extreme audio effects, and size, not much else.
  14. Bad news. I can't make it. Work commitments put me in the wrong part of the country at the wrong time. Gutted.
  15. Lovely Sunday afternoon into early evening in Pewsey. Bunch of us get together and entertain folk (and each other) with three hours of unrehearsed tunes. Some standards others just stuff one of us might like. Loosely country and blues oriented but in reality we end up playing whatever we can all get though. Three hours is a pretty big time slot! It's such a lovely way to round off a weekend's gigging. No band politics because we're not really a band. Not tiring as we all sit. Not stressful because no one is in charge. Not restrictive because I can play whatever bassline comes into my head. Not too late a finish.We get paid, get drinks bought for us and asked back. Can't think of anything missing.
  16. Bleary eyed after time traveling last night. Bluddy clocks changed as I drove home. Played one of those 60s pubs in Swindon which have a huge function room with a very wide very narrow stage. My rig just about coped without pa support but I'll take something with more oomph next time we're there. Typical Saturday night crowd, lively, up for it, and fun. Singer always arrives late for second set so we've taken to starting without her. Last night, evidently not prepared to wait, a punter clambered onto the stage and started singing. She was ok, but exited sharpish when the boss turned up. Quite an imposing woman is our singer. Got paid, got home in one piece. On to the next one this afternoon.
  17. Worked rather well. I had the super powerful little class D amp with me anyway so I took a pre eq DI from the Trace to the Veyron and connected that to the 1x10. Got a big fat bass sound out of the TE head and 2x10 cab and a crisp upper mid and top sound from the Veyron and 1x10. Over complicated? Not really. Took seconds to set up. Sounded pretty good too
  18. Chris is correct. I have a cunning solution.
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