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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I gave my back a rest last night and left the valves at home. Gave the Bugera a run out as it was a new venue, entirely unmapped, so didn't want to risk finding stairs or an awkward load in with huge heavy gear. Paired with two BF 15" cabs my goodness this was a monster trouser flapping feast of bass. Flat tone, just the high and low buttons in, and pushed the upper middle of the mids (coincidentally almost exactly the same as I set up my Ampeg) and it was good to go. The only thing I fiddled with was balance between gain and master. Didn't want to be too shy on the input level but didn't want to drive it either. Once I found my sweet spot I was a very happy bass bunny. Got two gigs in one day with a crazy drive between venues next weekend and an open mic the day before. Given the speed at which we will need to tear down, load, unload and set up again, lightweight will be the key once more. I fancy this rather splendid little amp will get another outing.
  2. Anyone use the Tascam GB-10? I'm particularly fond of mine but it has an irritating fault I can't seem to solve. Certain tracks won't play. The screen shows either Non-supported or File error. Sometimes tracks play in broken speeded up fragments. Now, I have tried encoding them as mp3 same result, as wav same result, different memory card same result, format and start again same result, rename the files same result. This happens with tracks I've recorded myself or edited on Audacity or ripped from cd or downloaded, there seems no pattern I can discern. Some work others do not. Oh and when the card is in my pc or the device is connected via usb all tracks play just fine. Thank you in anticipation.
  3. First time out with a new band last night. They've played two gigs now including my debut. Never previously been in the situation of meeting my band mates for the first time at a gig and it went surprisingly well. Only real issue was when the singer shouted for a solo in random places and I was left guessing over which part of the song the solo was being played. No other instruments to follow so I was left trying to work out suitable backing based on what I was hearing from the guitar. The real drama came on the way home. Belt snapped as I negotiated absolutely filthy weather on the M4 meaning no power steering or heating, battery not being charged. I needed windscreen wipers and headlights and demister pretty much flat out. It was touch and go whether I'd make it home. In fact I really shouldn't have. Last two miles were achieved by turning off the lights each time I was forced to wipe the windscreen and I crawled up through the estate to my place with no lights at all. Thank god this happened this weekend not next, I've 3 gigs and many miles to travel.
  4. No, not a dep slot. I am the bassist. Met the drummer for first time tonight, singer and guitarist I met once at an open mic. This is so hard tonight. I've had to stop myself intervening so many times. The lead singer does not even have a monitor. I have one in my car but No! I stayed strong kept quiet.
  5. I don't know if this lot can. I just don't want to end up lumbered
  6. Every time I try to sell my T'bird i make the mistake of playing it. Damn. What a sound.
  7. First gig with a new band tonight. Looking forward to meeting them. The only things they know about me are in the bio I sent for their web site. I have one important mantra to repeat all the way to the venue: I do not own any PA equipment. I do not own any lights. I cannot fit anything else in my car. I don't know how to soundcheck a band. I do not own any PA equipment. I do not own any lights. I cannot fit anything else in my car. I don't know how to soundcheck a band. I do not own any PA equipment. I do not own any lights. I cannot fit anything else in my car. I don't know how to soundcheck a band. I do not own any PA equipment. I do not own any lights. I cannot fit anything else in my car. I don't know how to soundcheck a band. I do not own any PA equipment. I do not own any lights. I cannot fit anything else in my car. I don't know how to soundcheck a band. I do not own any PA equipment. I do not own any lights. I cannot fit anything else in my etc etc Hopefully if they never find out the truth I can be in at least one band where I'm just the bass player.
  8. I bought the Behringer BX4500H many years ago. Really versatile ultra reliable amp. I'm guessing this is similar but with different eq controls. Either way a bargain, good luck with the sale.
  9. I bude the MB NY 15" cabs. Got two and boy do they give me the girth of which you speak. I toyed with swapping /selling them here, bloody glad no one was wise enough to take them off my hands. Big fat solid sound loud enough to topple tall buildings and clear enough to see through. Highly recommended.
  10. Looks and sounds great to my eyes and ears!
  11. So, who bought one then? When do you expect to receive it?
  12. Like the look of this very much
  13. I've told this story before. Did a gig in Portsmouth years ago, amp broke up with 3 or 4 songs + encores to go. Still made a noise but what an horrendous noise it was. A crackling distorted rumbling fart from which no notes could be discerned. I battled on just staying in time and widdling around the lowest notes. It was awful. Not only did no one in the audience notice but neither did my band mates. I learned a lesson that day. Now I know I buy different gear because I like to do so. No one but me really cares.
  14. +1 for the Adagio. Very good price, very nice strings.
  15. Just looked up Game Show and was treated to a 360 video. Which was mind blowing for this old fart. Great tune too so thanks @Stylon Pilson
  16. Ah. Precision, flats, Trace Elliott. The holy trinity.
  17. Make me an offer. I don't want to go much higher but I'm happy to consider coming down a bit
  18. It's possible I was playing unusually hard that night but seems unlikely. I was very relaxed.
  19. I did superglue the hole in my third finger, what concerns me is why suddenly out of the blue would I get so sore when I've been playing for so many years without any issues
  20. Thanks I shall. There's no cuts or splits (apart from the wounded one) but man they hurt when I play.
  21. This is troubling. My fingers are really quite sore after last night's gig. I don't know if there's a connection but the third finger left hand acquired a nasty puncture wound the day prior to the gig and so I expected that to smart, the hole was precisely where I press onto the string. Do you think it's possible that I played at a slightly awkward angle trying to avoid using that finger or minimise contact to the affected area? If so could this be the cause of my pain today? Obviously I wouldn't know if I was as I don't look at my fingers or think what they're doing while I'm performing. It's a little worrying as any other weekend I'd be out again today and I would really be struggling. Also I'm no beginner, I practise hours every day and never experience finger tip pain at rehearsals, at home or at gigs. I have a new set of forty songs to get down in about a fortnight and I don't want to exacerbate the problem. Are there any unguents or potions you would recommend to ease my predicament? Strings were fairly new and I clean them regularly, it was crowded and I was sweating freely, but again that's hardly unusual. Only other factor I can think of is I've been playing flats at home but took basses strung with rounds last night.
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