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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. What wine will you be having with that? Seriously though, looks great already, love this kind of invention.
  2. I could have joined the challenge because the cash I've lived off this past 13 months just ran out. So buying new gear has suddenly become impossible. Then I discovered the joy of trading. Guilt free GAS satisfaction. No money changing hands. I'd have failed royally anyway - the money ran out because I bought an amp I couldn't afford and didn't need. I am so much safer poor.
  3. God - you'd hate to watch me. I'm always taking my hand off, flipping the guitar over, throwing it around, lifting it up. No there's no need, yes it makes me interesting/fun/cringey to watch (delete according to preference). But I promise you this I only do it because I'm into the music and I cannot stand or sit still while I'm playing. Obviously being the bass player I have a duty and resonsibility to be the coolest person in the band - I know that, but that doesn't prevent me from being a showman.
  4. I aired a grievance about an amp, and what I perceived to be a pain in the ar$e situation vis a vis getting it repaired. As a result I learned that the situation is not peculiar to the particular manufacturer involved but common to most modern amps. Once I'd learned this I shut up about it as no good could come of me moaning. I therefore don't say never complain, you might learn something. But endless repetition of well worn complaints achieves nothing except to increase the negativity in the world and we already have more than enough. Moaning because someone else has a problem is beyond pointless. You aren't even affected by it so why on earth are you taking the trouble to sit and type a negative comment on a public forum? It's like when someone posts 'I want to do X instead of Y does anyone have any advice on the best way of going about it' and the next thing you know people are queuing up to say 'I wouldn't bother, just stick with Y'. I mean, what is the point?
  5. If I hadn't bought the Ampeg I would never dream of parting with these. But yeah, you're right!
  6. I took friends to mean just that. People with whom I happily associate beyond the band. Colleagues means those I feel neutral towards. Dislike doesn't mean active hatred or anything extreme like that just people who, if I weren't in a band with them, I wouldn't have any desire to see or speak to.
  7. You read my mind. Considering sticky velcro first...
  8. I'm in Somerset, near Bath. I have a trade deal set up, I'll let you know if anything changes.
  9. I'm playing with a few different outfits. A soul band which avoids Blues Brothers standards and veers a little into funk and disco, an originals band which plays Irish drinking music, A 70s/80s dance music function which is just starting up, and a bluesy/country collective which kind of jams stuff out once or twice a month. I usually go through an Orange Terror 1k into 2 MarkBass 15s although I like my Trace Elliott amp too. Just switched to all valve Ampeg SVT Classic and well, blimey. Awesome sauce. Trying to trade my cabs for something wider as the weight and width of the Ampeg make the whole thing a little unstable.
  10. These are monster cabs. Paired with my Orange Terror 1000w (also for sale) they are as loud and clear as anything I've ever played through. £300 per cab with Roqsolid cover included for each. http://www.markbass.it/product-detail/new-york-151/ I'm in North Somerset, happy to travel and meet up. Why sell? GAS, pure and simple, GAS bubbling away and out of funds to fund the GAS
  11. It's a steal. I waited until one came up here at an even better price. Actually didn't have a choice as they were out of stock for ages.
  12. Band A: 1: 5 2: 1 3: 1 4: 2 Band B: 1: 7 2: 3 3: 3 4: 0 Band C 1: 6 2: 3 3: 1 4: 1 Scores reflect some new members about whom I am of course still neutral. To those who won't gig with anyone they don't like, that used to be me too. I ended up not gigging.
  13. I shall do as you ask. The bass became my go to, leapfrogging the rest with immediate effect, as soon as I played it. First time I gigged it I was approached by a member of the audience who raved about the sound. Might not be to everyone's taste of course, but if ever you're down this way gigging give me a shout I'll bring it along for you to try.
  14. Well, the rather splendid @Lozz196 is sending me the proper P Bass covers so I can make my decision when they arrive. Will the PU cover get in the way? Will I ruin the elegant simplicity of the bass? Will @Mickeyboro come up with more Bruce Thomas related puns? Watch this space...
  15. I can't find half my kit. Nor remember what the other half is.
  16. Awesome. Damn I love that man's playing.
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