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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I felt like I had a breakthrough with my Poly Blue last night. I used it on several songs, adjusting on the fly each time, and the sound was astonishing. The combination of phase, octaves and the 'mono' button produced a quite remarkable sound. Is this an octave pedal? Or is it a multi effects pedal? I used it to thicken the sound of one song played higher up the fretboard - a song which didn't need that synthy sound - for a disco synth sound, for a huge funky semi synth, which, combined with an envelope filter was wonderful. Truly my favourite pedal.
  2. Third gig of a busy weekend. First time in this venue. All went well, appreciative hard drinking crowd. We finished , started to pack down, barmaid tells me her boss told her music should go on to 11.30. We started our second set a bit earlier, I tell her, you had your two hours. She's adamant. The gig was from a booker and we didn't want him to get poor feedback so we did a somewhat stretched encore. 15 minutes of Born To Be Wild anyone? The drummer was on the wrong page so it literally restarted three times.
  3. Long time user of Zoom pedals here. This is in my Thomann basket. No reason to assume it won't be as good all their pedals have been
  4. First time Bandeoke at a music pub in Bristol. Went very well and was done at a cut price as it was the first time he'd tried it. But even then no cash at the end of the night. I shall wait to see if it's forthcoming before naming and shaming. Gear wise I went armed only with the TC Electronic 2x8 can I bought from @Stealth of this parish, thinking pub gig that'll do. Turned out to be a deep stage and a big space. Thank goodness our man Stealth had souped up the cab with some powerful speakers turning it into a 4ohm cab. I was running the little beast almost flat out and it coped admirably.
  5. Bandeoke residency last night in a localish boozer. Went ok but my god there are some godawful wannabe singers and a preening guitarist on this planet I could do without. Onwards to the next one.
  6. Hi there! As a long time fan of his Bruceness I can say you won't be disappointed. It's the best P Bass I've played. An absolute gem.
  7. I have a hit list and this amp is on it. Hopefully if we keep bumping it up like we are someone will spot it and save my umbrella fund. I don't need it, I simply have no need of it. It's simple. It's that simple. 🙈🙉🙊
  8. Love it. And all the vinyl
  9. I have carefully squirrelled money for a rainy day. Another amp doesn't constitute bad weather. I must remain in control. I mustn't weaken.
  10. Two HB amps. Is the universe trying to tell me something....
  11. Hi Woody. Yes the bass passes through whether it's on or off and the aux comes through. The only odd thing is the aux leaps in volume when I unplug the bass from the backbeat. But I've never used the aux in before so it may have ever been thus.
  12. Genuinely shocked. Desperately sad news. Norm was such a lovely bloke, I took to him straight away.
  13. Mine has suddenly ceased to function. Connected to the bass nothing, nada. Plug in the charger and a green ight comes on. But that's it. Any ideas?
  14. Played a social club down on the south coast last night. These places can be like God's waiting room but last night's venue proved to be a lovely place . Helpful staff, simple load in, stage, lighting, full house all into it and dancing all night. Picked up a wedding enquiry and gave out cards afterwards. Nice payment and a bunch of happy punters. Played the Bugera T through my Elf 10s, used the Bruce Thomas Profile and Ampero Stomp and created a righteous din.
  15. Irritating answer is, that depends! If I'm just playing bass behind a solo I have hardly any octave down so I'll play it normally. If I'm going for a synthy sound then I'll have 1 octave down full on, mono button in, and play higher.
  16. Not the way I'm coming at it. What can I do with the Gecko and the Core ? That's my question. Once I can answer that I'll be better able to abswer the question you pose.
  17. I use mine for this as I only ever play with one other instrument (not counting drums and vocals). Mix the single octave up with the clean signal , a tiny smidge of 1 octave down, and a tickle of 2 up and it enriches the sound beautifully. If I'm using a biamped rig it really sings
  18. I have a Gecko MK3 by One Control. My problem is I don't speak the language so "send a pc message which lines up with your preset." is somewhat opaque to me.
  19. I'm with @SumOne I'm afraid, except I understand even less. I'm fascinated by the glimpses of possibility I sometimes get, but I'm afraid I don't even really understand my midi controller. A dictionary is all well and good but not if it's in a language you don't speak.
  20. You can simply download other people's patches, however, if I can set up a sound on a pedal while actually playing the song live, and it's better than one I spent hours working on at home, I think that tells me something.
  21. True story: did a gig recently and Don't You Want Me Baby came up. I had a couple ready made sounds on my C4 pulled one up and it was horrible, just didn't work live as it did at home. Before the riff came around again I twiddled some knobs on the Poly Blue, and produced a way better sound .
  22. I've only done it once. If I hadn't had the backbeat it would have been awful. useful for backing vocals but visually and as a playing experience it was hollow. Would I do it again? Sure, if I'm getting paid I'd play in a tutu riding a unicycle, but it's not my preference.
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