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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I bought an effect pedal from Joe. The entire deal from start to finish was utterly painless. Communication excellent and the well packed parcel arrived extremely quickly. Happy to recommend this most excellent Basschatter 👍
  2. Either can work, both can fail. I've been in both set ups many times. Dictatorship simply depends on who is running the band, how good they are at their job and whether or not the band members respect them. Democracy depends upon the personalities in the band. How well they tolerate each other and whether they want the same thing
  3. This seems bargainous to me. Someone please buy it. 🙈
  4. When you're as ugly as me you learn not to care
  5. I played @Stub Mandrel's Embassy at the SW Bash recently. It felt beautiful and the finish was really nice. Soundwise it was like my old Thunderbird. And that is a compliment.
  6. Corporate function at a safari park yesterday. All very glitzy and shiny as one might expect. People appeared to like us. Which is nice. I went for medium scale Marooshchick in gold, which I put into my recently acquired Little Bass Thing and two TE Elf 10s. The LBT is actually quite big compared to my Elf but still a perfect match for the Trace cabs. I pulled stupid faces above a gold tie.
  7. Tonight's colour coordinated rig .. kind of ..
  8. Jason just sold me an amp and before I had chance to wonder when it might arrive it was here! Incredible lightning fast service. A totally painless transaction and I'm more than happy to recommend him to the community.
  9. I stand to be corrected of course. But all of my previous experience with this lot suggests we won't enjoy that experience.
  10. I just transcribed the bass line to Frank Wilson's tune Do I Love You. A tasty chunk of northern soul which one of my bands has decided to learn. Sadly, as we play mostly parties and pubs, the audience want songs it knows and can dance and sing along with. So the pattern will be, learn it, pay to rehearse it, spend time getting it tight then play it to an indifferent public and eventually drop it. No matter how often this happens they will continue to choose 'cool' unpopular music and quite frankly I am done arguing with them. I'm 59. I've been through my 'cool' years, now I just want to entertain folk.
  11. Gosh darn it. That is a compelling argument.
  12. I have wanted to try one of these since they came out. Can I justify another amp though.....
  13. Another entirely straightforward and painless transaction with @Mickeyboro . Top Basschatter who I am happy to recommend.
  14. Well I've given up on getting the pc editor to work. Luckily enough the pedal is simple and intuitive to adjust on the unit itself and of course by learning to do this I can easily make changes at a gig. NYE I set up a couple of rows of effects in parallel with some always on and five switcheable. Sent this out to two amps with the always on effects going to both and others going exclusively to the 'treble' amp. The big success story was the envelope filter. A beautiful bubbly, watery sound coming from one amp and the bottom end still solid and unaffected. Very impressed. The others need more work, I want to find the perfect phaser, the perfect chorus, and the overdrive was a bit fizzy for my taste. However, I'm impressed with the unit, certainly happy to gig it as a simple uncluttered option.
  15. Never see them at a decent second hand price. Not that I need any more effects of course...
  16. TBH the problem was while we were playing so I wasn't looking at the amp
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