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Posts posted by stewblack

  1. [quote name='Toasted' post='45671' date='Aug 15 2007, 11:12 AM']Surely power flicking on and off is dangerous for all your equipment?

    I've got some pretty sensitive stuff and I'm not sure that I'd want to connect it up to a socket that will radomly switch on and off. Is there anything I can do to protect my gear?[/quote]
    Generator outside the pub with long lead through the window to your multi socket.

  2. [quote name='mistahbenn' post='45607' date='Aug 15 2007, 09:11 AM']Hi there, another track just finished with this wicked bass, is here [url="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=79861127"]http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=79861127[/url] the 7days tune.[/quote]

    Lovely bass sound, congrats.
    I used to wonder what all the fuss was about when I first found these fora and people would put up pics of these odd looking instruments, then I had the pleasure of playing a Sei when buying a piece of kit from an old bassworlder and I have to say you cannot tell from a photo just how gorgeous these basses are to look at. Obviously neither can you tell how they feel and play. Simply stunning.

  3. [quote name='ARGH' post='45592' date='Aug 15 2007, 08:12 AM']Now I dont drink,use drugs.....anything,I just cant,and I find Im a better player fullstop.[/quote]

    +1 for that. Haven't touched a drop or smoked or taken anything at all now for 18 months and every aspect of my life has improved - that certainly includes playing. Not only can I remember gigs but I play to an unbelievably higher level, play in three different bands 'cos I can now remember three sets easily and most importantly don't let myself or my bandmates down with shoddy drunken mistakes.
    and yes, I used to think I was sooo good on three bottles of wine per gig.

  4. We did a gig in a local village hall and I'd been told there was a sound limiter so was dreading it. the guy who booked us said not to worry as he was a bit of a whizz at the technical side of life and had watched carefully while it was being installed, and ahem wink wink , we had nothing to worry about! Sure enough - no problems. the audience remained seated throughout and yes, many told us they'd loved the gig. weird way some folks have of showing it.

  5. [quote name='beerdragon' post='40953' date='Aug 3 2007, 03:55 PM']In the late sixties early seventies i was into prog rock but there was always the odd song with a nice little bass line that used to catch my attention, one was Disco inferno by... bugger cant remember, but i still like to warm up with it now.[/quote]
    When my step daughter was 2 she was deeply upset by that song. She was assured they didn't really burn the babies ...

  6. Finally managed to persuade my occasional weddings/party band to include some disco and funk. One of the tracks they went for is December 1963 (oh what a night) Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons.
    What a cracking bass part! There is, apart from a really nice riff running under the verses, a gorgeous fluid run up to the 17th fret, happens only twice and sounds excellent.
    'Sfunny my progression from glam through metal to punk and thence onto ska was pretty seamless whilst growing up in the seventies, but there seemed little space for Frankie Valli in that progression. In short I loathed disco when I was young but always had a soft spot for this one.

    Was Joe Long responsible for bass on this one - does anyone know for sure?

    [i]edit - I put the wrong name down - duh![/i]

  7. [quote name='El_Capitain' post='40781' date='Aug 3 2007, 09:28 AM']Yes. :) Yours for 1p, atm...[/quote]
    when I lost mine I went to the excellent Behringer site and downloaded a new one [url="http://www.behringerdownload.de/LX1B_LX1B-PRO/LX1B_LX1BPRO_ENG_Rev_C.pdf"]here[/url]
    Mind you once I factor in the ink and paper cost this is a good deal!

  8. [quote name='Ba55me15ter' post='39895' date='Aug 1 2007, 10:44 AM']Was it this one Stew?[/quote]

    Mmmmmmmmm. That's the one. It was one of those bargain quick sale exactly the bass I want type once in a lifetime opportunities which I just couldn't finance.
    really glad it found a good home.

    One day, one day.

  9. [quote name='OldGit' post='39630' date='Jul 31 2007, 05:31 PM']What? All of it?
    I bet she likes Let there be love by Nat king Cole or The Shape of Things To Come by Ornette Coleman or Knda Blue by Miles Davis or Wonderful World by Sachmo' or Jumpin' jive by Joe Jackson or Louis Joran or the Koln Concert by Keith Jarret

    Recently a mate of mine spent an unproductive hour down the bar trying to convince anyone who'd listen that he detests all hip hop and rap music.
    "What all of it?"
    "Even that overwhelmingly enormous part of the genre to which you have yet to be exposed?"
    " I mean you hate music you haven't even heard yet?"
    "But that's impossible"
    "Nope, if it's hip hop I hate it"

    Needless to say more knowledgeable people than myself cleverly spent the rest of the evening dropping artists who fit comfortably into the hip hop genre into the conversation ,most of whom he professed a liking for.

  10. [quote name='guitarnbass' post='38730' date='Jul 30 2007, 01:35 AM']can't help but laugh tbh :)[/quote]
    I may have to replace the grill. Once they've used something once it seems they just can't get enough. My fear of course is that the cones have been damaged by the virulent chemicals inherent in the repulsive creature's urine.
    Still as long as my ever sympathetic fellow BCers are getting a chuckle at my expense then I suppose it's worth it. :huh:

    Won't bother advertising where we're playing next - just tell people to follow their nose.

  11. My first head was an HH 100 watt. Put my bass thru it when I switched from g****r and years later it found use as an amp for our foldback.
    They were the only amps you could buy locally. Every PA seemed to be HH back in the old days. Never had a particularly great reputation but I suppose being retro makes a lot of stuff more desirable.

  12. [quote name='ste_m3' post='38692' date='Jul 29 2007, 11:20 PM']could you mousetrap a cat?[/quote]
    I could happily strangle this one, but the boss says 'It may be next door's cat getting in'. As far as I'm concerned that sounds like a lame way of deflecting attention from who left the bluddy cat in the front room with my lovely, expensive 2X10 scent marking post.

  13. [quote name='ste_m3' post='38254' date='Jul 28 2007, 08:21 PM']Oh dood! You really do have too much time on your hands!

    i say it with jelousy. that was good!

    Anyway, keep us up to "Scratch" with the cab.

    i tried?[/quote]
    The cat has struck again.
    Not a happy bunny.

  14. I never liked the look of them but then suddenly did (it was a blue one for sale here that turned me) now I shall be buying a 5 as soon as funds allow and no other bass.
    Until I have my Sei 6 built.
    Oh and I want a Fender Jag.

    And a Ric.

    And a fretless Aria SB from 1983 in red.
    But that's definitely all. especially the Bongo. Well, mainly the Bongo.

  15. [quote name='Oxblood' post='38084' date='Jul 28 2007, 11:01 AM']Agreed, stew. I'm with you all the way on Bruce Thomas, too. Bloody genius. And then there's Norman Watt-Roy..... The Blockheads would have been SO much less of a rhythm machine without him.[/quote]
    Yep, NWR and Bruce Thomas the first names that spring to mind when people ask me to name my favourite bass players.

  16. [quote name='Oxblood' post='38076' date='Jul 28 2007, 10:42 AM']At your service, sir!
    Here are links to a couple of mp3s of James Jamerson at work, isolated from the rest of the instruments. Educational stuff![/quote]
    I found these too and used them to learn a couple of Jamerson bass lines. Now here's a concept the record labels should latch on to. I'd buy the entire Elvis Costello back catalogue if the pesky drums, guitar keys and vocals were taken out of the mix. What a great tool to examine the basslines and learn 'em! (Not that I don't love the songs - I do - but I find it so hard to pick out the nuance of a complex bassline when bass is always so criminally low in the mix)

  17. [quote name='Hutton' post='36716' date='Jul 25 2007, 08:56 AM']Even if you don't like Motown which is of course your right, I am sure that you would appreciate the bass playing of James Jamerson and Bob Babbitt. They are well worth a listen if you can blot out the rest of the song![/quote]
    It's an interesting one this. I often site Bruce Thomas as my favourite bassist but if I hadn't loved the Attractions would I have listened long or closely enough to discover him? The bassist from the Smiths might be an absolute genius but I'll never know 'cos I'll never listen to their stuff long enough to find out. Yes what I've heard of Jamerson sounds spot on for the music he was playing with, perfect compliment of rhythm and melody but as the music is sometimes great (to my ears) and sometimes awful I don't rave about him as others do. Surely a great bass line to a great song will excite us more than a great bass line to a Phil Collins song?

  18. [quote name='paul, the' post='36572' date='Jul 24 2007, 08:52 PM']I hope this turns into a first bass thread :)
    Mine: A Kay SG copy. Muddy, earthy tone. Unslappable. It was (is) lovely.

    It's short-scale and I could only just reach the first fret with a stretch when I started playing.[/quote]
    This was once a Kay, or Woolworth's guitar as they were known. A truly horrible instrument suitable for French cricket and beating carpets.

  19. Look what I just found in my shed!! Should probably be in bass porn or for sale inviting offers but what the heck, it's my first ever bass. (Note close up of all important bridge, dirt and sticker arrangement.)

  20. [quote name='P-T-P' post='36416' date='Jul 24 2007, 03:44 PM']Just picked the following up from my local Tesco...

    Marvin Gaye Gold - Double CD all the hits and loads more besides
    James Brown Gold - As above but Mr. Brown
    Jamiroquai - High Times: Singles 1992-2006

    All of them for £5 each.

    Even if they're not really your thing musically (and there's only so much of JB and Jam I can listen to) you kinda owe it to yourself as a bass player to broaden your horizons when it's that cheap.[/quote]
    Cheers for the heads up. Marvin Gaye I can see being worth listening to, James Brown needs to shut up screeching and sing occasionally apart from that as you say excellent bass stuff, but Jamiroquai? Spare me please, I couldn't stand one track of that mind numbing, soulless, ball less lift music. Each to their own of course, just my humble opinion.

  21. [quote name='mikeh' post='35519' date='Jul 22 2007, 12:56 PM']Heres a question for all you gigging bassists.

    If you had an aweful front of house sound would you want to know about it??[/quote]
    I'd think - "Well what can i do about it?" it would spoil the night to be told the sound was awful. I guess the person to tell would be the venue owner who is responsible for booking the sound engineer.

  22. [quote name='Bassassin' post='34969' date='Jul 20 2007, 09:52 PM']I refer my learned friend to the existing DC Montana thread:

    Ah yes, I see. Late to the party as ever!

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