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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. We stood in at short notice last night. Gig was local to me which was a bonus. Typical boozy Friday small town crowd. They liked the stuff they recognised and pretty much ignored the rest.
  2. Tom doesn't like people to gush about him and his brilliant teaching which makes it difficult to write an honest review of his lessons. Because the desire to gush is almost overwhelming. I came to Tom as a bass player with many years of experience across many genres and at many levels. In other words I had decades of bad habits and inadequate knowledge ingrained in me. You'd never have imagined what an uphill task he faced in attempting to undo all this, because his manner was always cheerful, open and friendly. He appeared to actually enjoy trying to educate this very old dog. I'm now entering my fifth block of lessons (six lessons per block) and the transformation in my understanding of my instrument, my style of play and my ability to read and write music is little short of miraculous. Tom understands what makes me tick as a person and communicates with such precision, humility and skill that he makes the learning fun and the progression seamless. Don't come to him for a quick fix or to learn shortcuts. The Kendrick Method is all about the steady drip feed of knowledge which builds inexorably to a lasting improvement in all aspects of playing the bass. I cannot recommend him highly enough.
  3. Monthly Bandeoke slot last night. The woman who organises and runs it was ill so we relied on the regular punters knowing the score and the landlady running around encouraging other folk to get up. It wasn't a total disaster. I played through the souped up TC Electronic 2x8 bought from @Stealthof this parish. He'd basically put in more powerful speakers which turned the cab into a 4ohm mini monster. People who've heard me play through every rig imaginable in previous months, came up afterwards to tell me it was the best sound I'd ever had. I said I was concerned a 250 watt amp might not cut it in such a big room but was told you could feel the bass in your chest right to the back. So my small rig solution is sorted!
  4. I'm intrigued how the shelf works in a live situation. Do you play lying on your back? Or do you use a pedal monkey to turn them on and off?
  5. Got the jazz version. Extraordinary quality
  6. Believe me I would still be gigging these today if I had a bigger car and my 40 year old back muscles.
  7. I am firmly in that camp. That is if 'fanbois' means what I think it means. Sounds like a French cheese.
  8. I saw pink and green and black on there. Funnily didn't see the burgundy. That is beautiful in real life by the way. I have it on my jazz
  9. They're called the Compact. They have changed them since mine were designed but definitely still make them. Perfect width if stacked on their sides
  10. Hi, it's two 15" Barefaced cabs. A winning combination.
  11. There's a reason these don't come up too often. Great little pedal.
  12. You looking for a 1x15 too? You know, make it worth my while....
  13. Last minute gig last night - saved me from a dead weekend. I arrived first, "where do the bands set up mate?" "Over there under the TV" In between the two toilet doors. Nice. Wait, that space is the width of a TV. Umm
  14. Far be it from me to say but it balances so beautifully you wouldn't know it was there
  15. Stop it. I'm so easily lead astray
  16. Got to insure the car so no basses for me this month. No more basses.
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