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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. You're absolutely right of course. I used to be a steeplejack and carrying lead onto a high roof was simple once it was balanced
  2. It's a weird one. Pick it up and it feels like a bit of a lump. Strap it on (ooer) and it feels fine.
  3. No problems with the weight in the evening. Used a 4" strap and the balance is so good it didn't feel heavy at all. Fabulous sound, beautiful neck, really nice to play
  4. I've yet to find how to assign my own controls to the top two knobs
  5. I have had a breakthrough! I found on the desktop editor a knob assign setting. It's near the bottom and only appears to affect two of the on pedal controls, the bottom two. Labelled appropriately in the C4 but not on the Spectrum, but they're the same. I select input gain for control 1 and master for control 2 and any discrepancy in the output is easily corrected on the fly. Any failure to prompt the envelope can be adjusted on control 1. It's very satisfying.
  6. Going to gig mine in Saturday. I'll report back.
  7. How's this for the most unbass player like image ever?
  8. No immediate plans for such a journey, but I'll keep you posted
  9. We can't afford to light the house so it'll have to wait until morning and the sun. But if you watch Bass The World's review it's the same
  10. Yes. 16 now. It is a thing of truly extraordinary beauty. If I had bought a bass of this quality, second hand, for double what I paid, I would have felt guilty. It's not as light as my other HBs but thankfully not as heavy as my other HB Jazz. A comfortable weight. But oh my goodness it looks so nice
  11. I will know by this afternoon. Just heard from the courier
  12. I apologise for misleading the house. I have 15 HBs. I missed a few. I deeply regret this matter.
  13. Any way all silliness aside I was responding to the suggestion that you weren't surprised it was heavy because it's a Harley Benton. One heavy bass out of a collection of 12 doesn't seem heavy to me was my point. If this one is a lump it'll be a shame but not what I expected.
  14. Not me. Only one HB of all my collection is heavy. I'm surprised. Still he's a man pretending he's a lobster, we don't really need to pay too much attention to him.
  15. I am by nature ill disciplined and more drawn to novelty than to repetition. So until I began taking lessons with a superb teacher my practice consisted of noodling or learning a song for a gig. Now, because I know that every two weeks I will need to show the fruits of my labours, and because the work is structured in such a way that it needs to be done daily, I work far more strictly. Most importantly I keep a diary so at a glance I can see what I've been doing and make sure nothing gets missed.
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