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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I can see the attraction https://youtu.be/e_3JdEMnafs
  2. Had a Bandeoke last night. Usual suspects getting up to sing with us, some actually quite good singers, some apparently unfamiliar with the song they'd chosen. Only a few songs I had to busk looking at the guitarist's hand for chord clues. Which wasn't the case at the previous Bandeoke where we played one song that no one in the band knew. Once you've successfully navigated that scenario nothing much can fase you.
  3. I don't believe it myself but I just accidentally achieved exactly (well, near as damn it) what you're looking for. Sub n Up and Aguilar filter twin. Unfortunately the tone print on the SUb n Up is one I made and I have no clue how I did it.
  4. I know. It costs me the equivalent of a Harley Benton bass every six weeks. But it sure as hell is worth it.
  5. I just finished a bass lesson which very nearly caused my head to fall off. The idea of learning anything else right now is not even a blip on the distant horizon.
  6. Yep I have all the gizmos, Neural hub, midi switcher, editing software. It's just not working for me. I suffer from a debilitating illness which means I just can't spend the time and mental resources necessary to learn it.
  7. Because I find them all really hard to adjust . I'm sure it's easy for those who understand how to set them up and designate certain controls for certain functions but it's defeated me. Buying the whole board wouldn't be cheap. Let's talk in the private message.
  8. I can't promise not to get one of the other ones as well one day. There's some lovely colours there.
  9. Only gigged amp free on two occasions. Both times were ok. Saturday I employed my 3 ton Ampeg and there is no way to adequately describe how much better the experience was. The band sounded and felt so rich and full. I'll use iem only if a band requires me to - I'm not turning down a payday - but never out of choice.
  10. Almost exactly the rig I played with this evening. Thunderous!
  11. Just back from a Bandeoke at a new venue. Quiet night but they've offered us a regular monthly slot. That's two venues, a couple more and this project will really show a return. The best thing is they're on Thursday and Sunday evenings so earning away from regular gig nights.
  12. I'm getting some day work in to raise the money
  13. So it's a jazz but with expensive fixings. Hmm. Seeing as I've never had a problem with the parts on HB basses, nor ever felt the need to change them then it's down to block inlays and the colours. Which of course is more than enough reason for me to buy one.
  14. New venue for us last night. Cracking gig. One of those nights when the band was just flying. I used the SVT through two Barefaced 15s and it was glorious.
  15. The new jazz range is being sold at 156 quid each. Just let that sink in. Brand new and proven quality instruments at a price you'd jump at if it was a comparable second hand instrument of most any other make. Glad so many people are coming around to just how good they are.
  16. I'm sure he's right. But that's the way I got mine to sound how I like it
  17. The good news is there's a few weeks before Thomann has them in stock. Like a built in cooling off period before you buy.
  18. We have similar tastes! I'm having a red one and a green one. One day Maybe Unless I resist.
  19. Turn everything up! Then use the master to level with the band
  20. I love my CTM100. It's lighter than my SVT but has a wonderful sound. Through two Barefaced 15" cabs it is righteous.
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