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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. The etiquette on Basschat is not to comment on prices. The market regulates itself. If a price is too high the items won't sell.
  2. I do love the classic Trace Elliot mid scoop button. Yes live as well as at home. Sounds awesome, receives a ton of plaudits from band and audience alike. The truth is a good bass sound cannot be defined. It's like saying your favourite colour is the only correct colour.
  3. A wedding gig with the originals band. This one down south in the New Forest. Another wedding I should say as I was with them way oop north in a marquee last week as well. Odd booking a band for a party when no one will know any of the songs. And sure enough the only dancing to happen happened when we played the couple of covers in the set. I shouldn't complain, I got paid and it was an early start so I was home by 9.45pm. But it goes against my grain to have a captive audience, up for a good time, and not give them what they want. Used a mixed rig of Barefaced, Ashdown and Bugera with Reverend basses, and no effects. The Bugera is the one with the tube pre and I'm starting to come to terms with it. The gain, volume and master controls threw me at first. I realise now the first volume knob after the gain allows me to hammer the gain into distortion, while keeping the volume down and allowing me to use the master for overall volume. Oh and the compressor on this amp is one of the best I've ever used.
  4. Ah, the nostalgia! Back in the day I gigged all over the country with one of these. Absolute belter of a combo. Good luck with your sale.
  5. My dream cab. Someone is going to be very happy.
  6. I have a box full of them, both kinds. I've never had a problem finding one to fit any of my basses. Which is why I'm snookered with this one. I'm going to try gently pressing some blue tack onto it and measuring the impression.
  7. Thanks a bunch. A whole new seam of affordable basses for me to mine. Ever used Bax?
  8. Thank you all. I should have said I don't want another set as I have so many already. And it's a new bass (or was last year - either way not rounded off) but made by a luthier who has ceased trading so I can't ask.
  9. I've been doing my seasonal trussroderry as the weather cools and dampens. I have one bass which none of my Allen keys will fit. Put simply, how do I find out what size I need to buy. I don't want to buy a massive set on the off chance that one will fit.
  10. Last two weddings I played with an Elf going through single 8 ohm cab. 6 piece band , full drum kit. Not a problem at all. One day I'll buy another Elf as a just in case and really travel light
  11. You youngsters won't remember those halcyon days.
  12. Just played a wedding in a tent in a field. I too am in bed before midnight which is awesome. However. It's not my bed. It's a 10 quid Air BnB and it took me 6 1/2 hours to get here. So I most definitely win in one way but my goodness the M5 and M6 route north is not the easy drive it once was.
  13. This is what it amuses me to call my whiteboard.
  14. I don't believe bass player A is better than bass player B. Although I will often fall into the trap of using that kind of language. I just have my preferences. It's great these kids have YouTube so we can enjoy the fruits of their labour. Playing skillfully and with high technical proficiency is the result of a lot of hard work and I believe should be celebrated.
  15. Annoyingly the Boss stomps and others of a similar size are too big to fit beneath the NUx Bumblebee. It is a wonderful board otherwise
  16. I did not. I am trying to hold back on my bass purchases as I can no longer get into my room Never say never of course.
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