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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Thank you Woody. Great review and answered all my questions.
  2. Is it possible @lownotehas no current feedback thread? This one appears a little dusty. Anyway, be that as it may, I just completed a joyously simple transaction with him and am now the proud owner of an amp. It came crazy fast and packed so diligently that nothing short of a military strike could have damaged it. I'm delighted to recommend this most excellent Basschatter.
  3. Maybe ask Tim at Gig.ink? He has probably provided covers for cloth fronted cabs
  4. Chill out man. It's not up to you how other people work, you can only keep your side of the street clean. How you are as a person, how you interact with others - these are the absolute most important things and they will be the things that get you work and repeat bookings. The singer has already said it makes her uncomfortable - a big warning bell should have rung right then. I've been in part time bands with people who try to control everyone else and it never works. Unless they set up and run the band by their rules and this is clear from the get go, in which case I suck it up or leave depending on their ability to get me work. Even then no one tells me how to work, how to learn songs, whether I can have chord charts or not. It simply isn't their business.
  5. 1cm squares of velcro stick as many as required around the edge of the grill. Don't have cloth grill so I can't say how that would work I'm afraid.
  6. Yes I fixed them with velcro, supplied by Gig.ink. You can order them over sized if you prefer and wrap them around the cab grill. However I want to remove them when playing in different bands, and to keep them in good condition travelling to and from the gig. £29 for the small one and £32 for the big one.
  7. Not heard any - and I don't expect any. the fabric is not solid.
  8. Absolutely. I can see no reason why not.
  9. I really rate these basses. I mean, I only have one, but its groovy. Interesting colour scheme, although a maple board with a black pickguard ought really to have black block inlays.
  10. Product arrived today. It's really cool. The entire process was simplicity itself and the communication second to none. Very quick turn around too. Happy to recommend Gig.ink.
  11. Sounded absolutely huge. Playing in what was essentially a giant tin box and standing on a giant wooden box so getting a good sound wasn't easy, however I couldn't be happier. Another unlikely win from Harley Benton.
  12. If you wish to describe my many years of experience as 'gut' then that's fine.
  13. As a non technically inclined end user I have never really cared too much about the numbers. I understand their value to the marketing team but very early on in my career I discovered a Trace Elliot 130 watt combo was loud. Really loud and clear. Other amps with bigger numbers were not as loud. So I was lucky not to be seduced. I now gig with numbers varying from 50, 100, 200 and many in between up to 2000. The explanations above serve merely to muddy the waters even further for those like myself. That is not intended to deride the knowledge behind them, I simply can't grasp it.
  14. I can't do anything about that. If I've had a Behringer head never let me down for over 20 years and a succession of Markbass, Trace Elliot, Ampeg (to name a few) crap out on me, I'm bound to be wary of throwing any more money at 'names'. Human nature innit?
  15. This is my experience. I said that. I can only share my experience everything else is heresay.
  16. Excited to hear how you get on. I mustard mitt the 2 x 8 is whispering in my ear. I see one, possibly two, in my future.
  17. Everything is relative of course, however the Markbass is not a cheap brand. The cheap stuff I own has run and run without a problem. All the expensive stuff on the other hand is either economically unfeasible to repair or costs an absolute fortune just to service.
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