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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Email received, pdf of design attached, all good.
  2. Dayum. On my wanted list but I'm over extended in my amp buying frenzy right now
  3. I have a Markbass head in the loft because of the impossibility of getting an affordable repair. However, a Basschatter said he ordered a part from them and found a local guy who could fit it. Annoyingly I can't remember who he was.
  4. In case anyone is thinking of taking the plunge, I just ordered two cab front covers from gig.ink. All I can say at the moment is the ordering process has been simple, reasonably hi res pictures and accurate measurements, and you're good to go. Had help with the artwork from the guy who designed the band artwork to make sure it all ties in nicely, otherwise it seems idiot proof. Next stage is they email a mock up for me to check before they print it. Watch this space.
  5. Useful cases these. Even if you don't want a pedal board. I carry a couple of amps in mine
  6. Absolutely. I've only got two but they're both corkers.
  7. Yes absolutely. The docking/recharging part is a little big, but it is a tuner also so saves having a separate one on the board.
  8. My working board for Bandeoke gigs. Never know what's coming, so I need simplicity and flexibility. The graphic is used as a boost (or a cut in this shot as I'm using it at home) The American sound always on to dirty up the basic sound. I never leave home without an octave, the synth and wah may be used if that kind of tune comes up. The boost kicks the American sound into a bit more dirt, the Splinter is for when I want to bring the ceiling down.
  9. I have a couple of these. Ridiculously, laughably light weight, they sound incredible regardless of the amp they're paired with.
  10. I registered interest because, well it's gear innit! I have, and have regularly gigged, a 100w tube amp (Ashdown) by the way and cannot imagine a band too loud for it. The deciding factor will probably be price, but with time to squirrel a little bit away, it might be feasible.
  11. I strongly believe any amp through a Barefaced cab will sound good. Also the Orange Terror used to sound amazing through my BF so I'm not surprised their other amps do too.
  12. Hi Greg. Put very simply the pitch shift alters the sound and puts it out of tune. It literally doesn't work. I'll record an example for you if you like. It's an area Mooer struggles with, I have a pitch shift pedal of theirs which similarly can't do it. Everything else is great. Seriously, the drive sounds are to die for. I found an always on dirt sound which gives that little bit of grit needed to cut through in the mix with no tone sacrifice. There is a fraction of a delay with the pedal. A deal-breaker for many I suspect, but not enough to bother me.
  13. Yeah, I forgot I'd left a bass out in the little shed at the back of the garage. It was like a Welsh longbow. But they're all bending.
  14. The ones that came from the Bass Centre with my BC basses are rather good
  15. Yes, no drive either. I have yet to really let it rip but early signs are encouraging
  16. I had a Shure system and it was ok until it wasn't. I've used line 6 and experienced irritating drop outs on occasions. My current wireless is a Lekato WS50 which comprises a pair of 5.8ghz 'bugs'. £30 off an eBay seller and never once given me any sort of an issue. I regularly gig for over three hours without a break, and they've always done this without needing a charge. The sound is entirely indistinguishable from high quality cable and I cannot imagine how any other system could possibly improve upon them.
  17. I love mine. If this was closer I'd have it in a heartbeat. Mine has been battered by years of gigging and neglect. A real gem of an amp this
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