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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Hmm *Rubs chin* It does say bass boost..might work well with a low end sucking guitar distortion?
  2. Been wondering about these for a little while. There's a beauty on sale here in a natural finish, but I've always hankered after a green one tricked out with ashtrays. One came up suspiciously cheap on the 'bay so I nabbed it. It's actually very nice. I swapped the plate because a white plate just looks like a place holder while they wait for the tort to come back into stock! An old Harley Benton one I had lying around fitted after a little judicious shaving with a Stanley knife. Not too heavy, plays well, lovely neck...but...an annoying audible vibration noise which took me a while to diagnose. In the end it was a machine head very slightly loose. Sorted that and reassembled it. Beautiful now, sounds like a dream. It's easily as good as folks say. Even the headstock which I know puts some of you off (it did me) looks so much nicer in the flesh - although you'll have to take my word for that!
  3. Bought a bridge cover off Danny. No problems at all, (he even overcame industrial action at the post office) and all went through just fine. Great communications, item as described, delighted to recommend this most excellent Basschatter
  4. I agree with every word. Sometimes I use two of them but very often just the one and every single head sounds outstanding through it.
  5. Bought a pedal from Neil. Arrived extremely well packaged and very quickly. Everything went as smoothly as possible, excellent communication, no complaints at all. I am delighted to recommend this most excellent Basschatter to the community.
  6. I'd say this teensy weensy itsy bitsy green non polka dot ampini would be perfect for you
  7. If you're looking at this and are unsure, please don't be. I have one and it's a lightweight bass which sounds absolutely beautiful, but most importantly looks amazing. You can just sit and stare at it all day and get your money's worth.
  8. Incredible amount of amp for next to no money. I'm only holding back because I have too many amps already and I don't want to be greedy. With the tube tone and spectra comp built in, this should be a no brainer.
  9. Ha! I assumed fact man was a cut out until he upped and walked!
  10. In ears or stage monitors do a job, but they're different from an amp and cab. If they weren't different some people wouldn't prefer them. I can use any system, doesn't bother me, but if money and weight ceased to be issues I would go with 8x10. It's the loveliest thing. Although knowing me I'd want two of them.
  11. This is another study on bass - rather than the bass. https://youtu.be/fIWEGYDG-Ig
  12. I work with a professional singer. She uses an iPad. So there's one of his arguments out the window. There's a saying: all you can do is keep your side of the street clean. You can't control how others react to you. Sounds like you have played your part quite correctly, the other guy was the c°ck.
  13. Played a bar in Portishead last night. Tiny space allocated to us, punters appeared to be reserved, middle class folk out for a quiet night. Luckily we have a drummer who can actually play quietly if he so chooses. So we started lively but not too loud. Amazed by the response. Loud applause and cheering and a few songs later folk dancing and having a ball. So many people wanting to tell us how awesome we were I wondered if we'd ever get to pack down. A lovely end to a great run of gigs.
  14. Lots...but as luck would have it I found the green one I was after...sorry man.
  15. Funnily enough, I used a 1k head into a single 12 this evening. Sounded super.
  16. Thank goodness for the block user function eh?
  17. Just finished playing a soul set to a typical afternoon crowd at the Bath and West. I love a big stage, proper PA. I love less falling over and cracking ribs on them. Ho hum. On to the next one.
  18. Another 3 hour Bandeoke, this time in a wet beer garden. Hadn't previously met drummer or guitarist, neither knew one another either, nor had they done anything like it before. With a deluge nearly emptying the party just before we arrived we had every right to anticipate disaster. But 30 odd brave souls stayed out and had an absolute blast. Two proper band gigs tomorrow, very different proposition.
  19. I was exactly the same, it took lots of coaxing to get me up there. Now I love it. Doing it again tonight and we've never as much as met the drummer or the guitarist. They've never done it before nor do they know each other. The buzz is tremendous.
  20. It's really good. Folk find it way more enjoyable than karaoke and getting songs thrown at me when I don't know them at all is brilliant discipline
  21. Just home from a brilliant Bandeoke night in a music pub in Wiltshire. Loads of people getting up to sing and people head hunting us for other venues. This is almost my ideal band - no rehearsals, play anything we're asked regardless of whether we know it, and somehow pull the whole thing off.
  22. My drive pedals are third in the chain (in the FX loop) with an envelope filter too. I have decided I really need another X5. What a pedal board that will be.
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