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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Ah ha! Like you, I have nothing specific in mind. I'll have a look and message you.
  2. Waiting for this thread to develop. Self taught XR18ist here with similar issues
  3. Did me cruciate in the left knee hopping from side to side while playing ska in the Fleece and Firkin back in the 90s. Still get a twinge when the weather turns.
  4. stewblack

    Zoom MS60-B

    What Basschat is all about. What a difference though. That ms-60b sounds huge.
  5. I bought my Bruce Thomas Profile because he has always been my favourite bass player. I knew nothing about the Bass Centre, nothing about Bruce's bass. It was a total fanboy purchase. Luckily it's awesome.
  6. Afraid I can't help. I sold the Tascam in the end. But good luck.
  7. People do take that attitude and the world keeps turning. So you got that wrong
  8. Nope didn't get that Stubbsy, sorry. Anyway people who's budget stretches to a Bugera are not costing Genz Benz a penny. They are in different universes price wise. If you can afford a Genz you are very unlikely to choose a Bugera - even if it's just as good
  9. Best £80 you could ever spend on a filter pedal.
  10. Ooh. Favourite reggae bassline....that's a great idea. Go along way to beat this https://youtu.be/wNxNwvjzGM0
  11. Played a pub in Swindon last night, very very quiet. Should have got my rig off the floor too. Had all the bass rolled off on both amp and pedal and still the hollow wooden floor was kicking out a ton of bottom end. Problem was finding parking took so long I ended up with no time or space to manoeuvre.
  12. Used my Bugera Veyron T at last night's gig. As ever it sounded absolutely superb.
  13. I have yet to get my Oxford. went on an unplanned spending spree and am crawling towards my next money! The two I have are different from one another so i say go for it.
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