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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Looks great @mcnach Funnily enough, I'm getting the blue JJ with the white guard. Even though I believe tort is the absolute gold standard colour for a pickguard, it looks very wrong with the blue.
  2. Very kind, but London is a bit too far for me
  3. That seems very fair. Considerate even.
  4. The four string is light as a feather
  5. Well, I do have too many effects and not enough gigs, so really I ought to sell some. But no! Hands off! I still love my Plethora.
  6. Gigged with it in memory mode on Saturday. I was bedeviled by the same problem I have whenever I use preprogrammed effects patches. No matter how assiduously I set them up at home, get on stage and there are glaring differences in volume between the patches, and what sounds amazing at home seldom sounds great live. Nothing wrong with the unit just my cack handed inability to program stuff properly.
  7. Wow! You must have spent more on strings than on the bass 😜
  8. Thanks for the response. I'll have a dive in and see
  9. Oh god yes. Not just the audience numbers either. If I let myself mither on anything beyond playing, these days I totally lose focus. Must be my age. Last night it was altering an effect and wondering why it was so far out of kilter when I'd spent so long balancing it with the other effects. Couldn't get my head off that and onto the job in hand. Also a problem with the PA was on my mind and I felt I let myself down when that surfaced. Weird.
  10. Anyone using the X-Air Android app? Had a problem last night and I couldn't find a solution. One of the BV mics would not send to one of the monitors. We use four monitor mixes, the mic went to my in-ears, to the drummer's in-ears, to the keyboardist's monitor cab no problem. But it didn't come out of the singer's monitor. All other mics did come out of her monitor. Any ideas?
  11. I often use your videos, really appreciate the work you put in
  12. Singer in that particular band has a great attitude. Even if there's only a handful of folk, it's their Saturday night out, and we are there to entertain them.
  13. Played to one man and his dog on a dark stage in Bath last night. Got paid, could barely see my bass, but we were ok. The owner was embarrassed for the poor turn out and very complimentary about the band.
  14. The neck now feels smooth. When the tea is still wet it's an invisible repair. Who knows? It might gradually stain down and match.
  15. Larkin Poe in the Marble Factory, Bristol last night. Mind blowing. I knew I liked them, I had no idea how good they are. The musicianship was extraordinary, and the singer has one of the best voices I've ever heard. If you like the blues, and you like to rock you can't go wrong, go see them.
  16. I took my courage in my hands, watched a minute of a youtube video and broke out the soldering iron and damp flannel. My tiny little white mark became a deep series of rippling dents 🤦‍♂️ Tip: Don't press the iron, just let it create steam. GENTLY! So today out with the sandpaper, wire wool and tea...
  17. Some of the older HB basses were heavy. I have a jazz 4 string fretless which could save you in a tornado. But it plays and sounds well..... except for the intonation! I feel the bridge needs to move back a mm or two to get it where I want it. Glad you're happy with your purchase. I was put off this model because of the angled pick-up design. Looks so wrong to me, but interesting to hear it looks good in person.
  18. That's a really good review, thank you. The stealth black MM and P are sooo nice to play aren't they? I like reviews where you tell us a bit about your other basses, what you like and don't like in them. It gives context to your analysis. Rather than saying this or that is rubbish you are clear that it's an area you've been unhappy in with other brands too. I have put a 4 string JJ in my basket now. Just in case the money fairy visits..
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