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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. For me the absolute star is the all black Pbass with the tort plate. It cost me less than 100 quid, but that's actually irrelevant. In looks, sound, weight, balance, feel, stability, it is everything I can ask for in a bass.
  2. It's purely my personal opinion. I don't want to influence anyone else. Some models are just good considering the price, some are amazing for the price and some are literally amazing at any price.
  3. Nathan Navarro's opinion is not to be sniffed at. I'll take his word over the snide asides of those who automatically want to believe HB can't be any good because it simply doesn't cost enough.
  4. When is it time? When Harley Benton goes out of business.
  5. Almost exactly my set up but a Midget 12" rather than a one 10
  6. Yes indeed. I have gigged mine in a couple of bands. Into a couple of mismatched speakers (a 1x12 and a 2x8) it filled the pubs with bass and never missed a beat.
  7. I have one just struggle to get the best from it
  8. What a wonderful resource, thank you so much. I'm no computer programmer so much of it is gobbledegook to me, but it's still very good of you to do this
  9. The problem is less the depth of the dent than the pale wood showing through, but I will try this to level it up. Then a bit of stain or something.
  10. 100% certain. It happened either in the case or at the rehearsal. Weirdest thing. But I look all over a bass when it arrives and you cannot miss this.
  11. Bought a hard case so mine is ready to go out into the world.
  12. Quite agree. You buy something styled on the original but have every right to expect it to encompass practical, technical improvements.
  13. I honestly don't know how that one happened. Right in my eyeline on the 8th fret. I confess it's one reason for me not having many expensive basses. I'm a careless pillock.
  14. Used earphones for the first time in a band context last night. The drummer in that band has started using them so I thought why not try it. I already had the little Behringer headphone amp thingy (which I use for silent rehearsal), and the Backbeat for 8x10 simulation. My thoughts: Without the Backbeat, forget it. With it, great. The earphones produced a more middle to top mix, which was easier to hear clearly what I was playing, but I need that thump to remind me I'm a bass player. You really need everything going through the mixer for it to work at all so in other bands it would be a massive headache to set up, but in a three piece, simple. Biggest plus was no amp or cab to carry up and down stairs. So for rehearsals or really difficult load in gigs, in a small band, I'm a convert. Obviously you won't separate me from my Barefaced cabs any time soon, but as a rehearsal tool, it's a good idea. Oh, and my BVs are way better than I ever imagined. Now I can hear them that is .
  15. I entirely understand your point. However, I don't regard it as a cheap bass but as my brand new bass, and so for it to last just one outing before being spoiled is disappointing.
  16. So. I took mine to a rehearsal last night. Good news, it balances beautifully, plays beautifully, light and easy on the shoulder and sounds like a P bass or a jazz bass or a mix of the two. Bad news I put a dent in the headstock and one on the neck. And I have no idea how. So I'm happy and grumpy all at once.
  17. Lots of basses do but not many of mine. It's such a joy for a truss tweaker like me.
  18. Hugh Laurie is good on the drums isn't he?
  19. I saw Cory Wong recently. He was his usual amazing self on the guitar, and the musicians were as tight and capable as you'd imagine. However, CW was strangely mute that evening. He has a great facility for banter, others have said his between songs chat was like getting a stand up routine to go with the great music. But not when I saw him. He barely said a word. I also had a niggling disappointment that, no matter how good the band was, it wasn't his band. I understand his reasons, but I would have loved to see the Wongnotes in all their glory, and I guess I expected to. So a mixed review from me.
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