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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Getting excited for this. Not has a new bass for ages. Got to sell one now though (stupid rule).
  2. Yep those J basses will hold you down in a storm
  3. I'd be happy to take a run at this if no one else has it.
  4. I think HB got a reputation for heavy basses which can still apply, but only in very few cases. In fact only one of my HB collection is really lumpy.
  5. Each to their own. I like it exactly as it is. Wouldn't work for me if it was a lot smaller.
  6. Do not think this is a starter bass, good for a student etc etc, don't be fooled by the price. These are as good as any bass I've played
  7. Now that's my kind of review!
  8. I know the perfect guitarist for the op. I left his band because of his insane insistence on every member regurgitating not only the exact notes of the recording but the precise sounds too. It was hell.
  9. I ran my MK1 Terror (1k!!) into two 15s. They weren't Orange, but Markbass. I sold the lot for not much money and it was a very poor decision. I recommend it but be warned it will be soooo loud. I couldn't turn it down enough for pub gigs, even big ones.
  10. I didn't understand the question
  11. Might have to buy another one and do something similar 😂
  12. This is in my top 5 favourite basses. I think you were extremely unlucky as mine played beautifully out of the box. I love how it looks so haven't felt like changing anything, but man, that gold looks amazing.
  13. Yep. I used to sneer at the weak assed lager in the backstage fridge, nowadays I'd take a couple of waters on stage.
  14. In a four piece with keys, bass, drums and vocals. Loved the keys player when he auditioned for a band I used to be in. Main reason because he could really play, and take a solo at the drop of a hat. But the fact that his style dovetailed so nicely with mine was hugely influential in wanting to get him into the next band I formed. It's not that his left hand never strays into my area, but he plays what the song requires and I have the bottom end taken care of so he doesn't have to worry.
  15. Yeah I know what you mean. At the end of the day, a gigs a gig, I guess. But I do miss a green room with a stocked chiller and a couple of guys sorting the sound. Don't really miss soundchecking four hours before showtime though 😂
  16. stewblack

    Cab Riser

    Genius, and so easy to make!
  17. I couldn't believe how good mine was first time I gigged it. Bearing in mind I hadn't had it long, so was really quite unfamiliar with it. But I barely needed to tweak it beyond dialling down one effect. What blew me away was the way the sounds sat in/cut through the mix. Better than any of my uber expensive individual stomps have done in the past. Even allowing for my cack handed inability to dial in a good sound on those pedals, the Zoom out shone them.
  18. Easy load in, bed by midnight. Always the best gig.
  19. Been offered a lend of a baritone, but having just spent money which was meant for an invoice on a bass I don't need I'm going to hold off. Don't need full blown gas attack.
  20. My rule is if all my basses went up in smoke other than the one in my hand, and I couldn't buy another, would I be happy to gig and record with it for the rest of my time. If yes happy days. If no - for any reason no matter how small - it has to go.
  21. Gone for this sunburst 4, p j. Now to find some money to replenish my poor bank account.
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