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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Just discovered a new band. They're called Weather Report. Don't know anything about them but they're clearly fans of Vulfpeck. Bassist is pretty good, not as precise as Joe Dart but sounds like he's using a fretless so probably going for a different feel. The album is called Heavy Weather, a bit jazzy but don't let that put you off.
  2. Put quite simply you're the bass player. An overwhelming proportion of bassists seem to be the most dedicated, under appreciated, and above all important member of the band.
  3. It's tiny, can't imagine using it to gig other than with purely acoustic instruments, but for home practice it's perfect.
  4. Ever wished you could practice at home with the kind of sound you might expect from an SVT but at a volume level calculated not to destroy the furniture nor incense the landlady? This little chap, in its Trace Elliot style livery, is physically tiny, but sounds, at neighbour friendly levels, absolutely amazing. 50 watts is plenty for home use, I'm pairing it with a single 10" 8ohm speaker, but I'd be interested to hear it slaved up through a power amp at a gig. I stole, sorry, bought this, at an extremely good second hand price, and apart from one outing for a YouTube review, it's as it was when it left the shop. It comes with a foot switch for the compression which I shan't use, compression being, for me, an always on effect. And has built in Bluetooth which is not just great for practicing but for amplification of YouTube videos, audiobooks, playlists etc as well. Highly recommended.
  5. Just discovered the plastic screen protector 🤦 Thank you Basschat
  6. Bring love, patience, tolerance and understanding to every gig, rehearsal and band meeting. How you get on with other people will always be more important and bring greater rewards than lessons, experience and gear ever can.
  7. Always exciting when someone takes the plunge!
  8. My Joyo Ironman collection continues to grow. It's slow progress, but I'm setting a price cap, only buying second hand and I'm in no hurry. Latest arrival is their envelope filter, the Wow Wah. I now have four pedals from this range and in my opinion they have hit it out of the park. I know my filter pedals reasonably well, and this one has all the control I need, a lovely watery wah and so simple to dial in. What a fantastic collection of pedals these are. If you read a review of this one (as I have) implying it's unsuitable for bass, ensure a pinch of salt is near at hand. It's absolutely perfect for bass.
  9. Nope. Just spent another frustrating hour failing to control the individual pedals, the hub and my midi controller. I honestly think I'll never crack it. Such amazing pedals and I can't get any useable sounds out of any of them.
  10. Hang on, I'm very slow...is the essence here that you can have the Ultrawave connected to the hub with the other SA pedals, the hub connected to the software on the pc and at the same time have the Ultrawave connected to the software on the pc? If so I've never tried this and am becoming excited 😯🤯
  11. Only played once in a rehearsal straight into an amp.It sounded wonderful. But honestly the tones available are manifold - you can make it sound however you want it to
  12. Curiosity was my motivation. That and finding some very cheap flats on eBay. I found they're great on my p basses less so on a jazz.
  13. @KingBollock I tried to like a bitcrusher but it just sounded like my bass was broken. Ring mod? Never tried. You have a great handle btw.
  14. Great response! Thank you.
  15. Genuine question. Do any of you bass bashers use these effects? I'm confused because they appear counter productive to our job as part of a rhythm section. I don't want my notes to wobble in and out, nor to repeat themselves, and yet these effects always appear on bass multi pedals. So if you find either or both of them indispensable to your sound, how do you use them? Any specific song examples? PS Are there perhaps effects which baffle you too? Why not let us know?
  16. This is my favourite chorus pedal. Good luck with your sale.
  17. Took the B6 to a rehearsal this afternoon. Just used a few of the presets, and the tuner. It sounded absolutely superb.
  18. Man, if we weren't opposite ends of the country...
  19. Don't need another, but my goodness this is such a great deal for someone.
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