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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I live in the same room as my basses so we are very intimately involved. I rotate them every week so they all get played with. Like a hareem.
  2. Having done my research I'm going to wait for the NUX MG30 to be back in stock. Looks like the best value, best set up of all these.
  3. Returning to this thread just to recommend the Z Bottom not available on the bass pedals but aimed at guitarists, Works like dream for bass. No loss of low frequencies. No feedback, no need for noise gate, its awesome.
  4. Ah, yes a bassist I can relate to! I seldom go out with less than three envelope filter pedals.
  5. The only downside of this forum is a tendency for its members to think they know better than the person who actually produces the product. They do it to every manufacturer. Please don't take it personally.
  6. Love the casual layout @krispn. My boards seem to exist in a state of permanent flux. While I'm sure yours comes together for gigs mine are a mess of indecision and new toys.
  7. Missed this review first time around. Two pedals at the top of my wanted list. Your excellent write up has only turned up the GAS - so thank you 🤦
  8. I would never knowingly hurt the feelings of a fellow bass player. But surely no one here is made insecure by Mr Dart's unquestioned mastery of his craft.
  9. Hijack away old fruit. This is good stuff.
  10. Yeah he's a show stealer even in that company
  11. Hey you crazy cats, while we're on the topic of Zoom multi effect boxes, dies anyone here use the G5 or G11 for bass duty? I am aware of all the arguments about guitar pedals for bass, I was wondering if you have real world experience specifically of the Zoom pedals
  12. As a known HB lover I doubt anyone will be surprised to hear I too have a Spaceship. I actually like the spaciousness of the bag provided with the board. Allows me to stow cables and other pb sundries.
  13. Ooh. I fancy one of these. Potless for a few days, and weighing pros and cons of another pedal. You've introduced cats to a meeting of pigeons.
  14. I confess I don't know why it doesn't distort. However any board I build has octave, chorus, phaser, flanger and compression. The Plethora provides these in a tidy, compact, virtually cable free fashion, so it suits me. The death of the HXFX is a salutary warning applicable to all multi effects. Lose one, lose them all.
  15. I used to have the Plethora and the HXFX on the same board, 5 effects on one six on the other. Was perfect for me . Then the HX died.
  16. I have to say the Plethora is already a great pedal, even without the holy trinity of drive, synth and envelope filter. But as with all things that doesn't mean it'll be great for you. I really like everything about it, and it can only get better. The Zoom B6 is perhaps out of my price range - especially considering the lukewarm reviews here and elsewhere. I wish I'd not moved on my B3, it would have sat nicely with the Plethora. Ah well, let's see what the future brings. Knowing me I'll post this and three days later buy a Zoom B6.
  17. HXFX is exactly my kind of pedal. Like the Plethora it allows me to see separate effects rather than a crowded little screen. However I've been a fan of Zoom pedals forever. If there was a dedicated bass version of the G11 that would be done kind of special sauce.
  18. @TobyMunkling The reason I take your review so seriously, where other posters negativity fails to scrape the outer coating to my GAS, is because of this So many people claim the Zoom effects are utterly inferior to their Line 6 rivals, but I have always preferred filters and synths on my Zoom pedals. You appear to share my tastes so your remarks on the recent updates on one, and the lack of improvement on the other has struck home. Which is a shame as I have been allowing the GAS to swell to almost unstoppable levels.
  19. Thank you @TobyMunkling an interesting review. I'm surprised to hear the sounds haven't improved since the B3. In fact more than surprised, it seems incredible. I think I'd better get my HXFX repaired
  20. And lest we forget, iPhone commands a very small part of the market compared to Android. But I don't have a clue how these things work, there's probably a very good reason for zoom going the way they have
  21. But all joking aside the Bluetooth/smartphone capability is a big draw over here. Not saying I will scratch my interest because of it, but my enthusiasm has received its first dent.
  22. The app is only for the iPhone. For someone who prefers a functional mobile phone to an expensive fashion accessory, this is a great disappointment. I don't know if it's a deal breaker, but it's pretty important.
  23. These updates seldom excite me, but of course now I've blown up my HX there are several interesting bass friendly things in this one. Grr.
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