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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Those who might scoff at the idea of Zoom producing a multi effect in the HX price bracket, might do well to listen to this. Unscientific it may be but compelling it is nonetheless.
  2. Nothing wrong with any of the Zoom products I've owned, but some things could be improved. Having a remote control in the shape of a phone app would save me bending down to tweak, and squinting at a tiny screen too far away to see. However good these improvements are though, I am greedy and still want it to sound better too.
  3. Anyone understand the technical side of things? I'm wondering about the improvements, if any, made to the effects from previous (inexpensive) Zoom model. Are there figures you can quote to prove the new effect has another 2000 gigawatt reactor added for each pedal simulation? Having just perused the effects list it reads very similar to all the previous Zoom offerings. As much as I like the touchscreen and expression pedal and new shiny package, at the price point I'd like to think it actually sounds better too. A side by side comparison with a B1_Four would be absolutely ideal of course.
  4. I didn't think I'd ever need another octave pedal after buying the Joyo XVI. But an OC-5 came up used but mint for a very good price so I gave it a go. I can't imagine ever wanting another. I know I said that before, but really it's perfect in every respect.
  5. I don't think TC Electronic make an envelope filter, but I have plenty so it's not a problem. The Plethora for me was never meant to be an all in one. It's a part of a pedal board, 5 effects and a tuner, with the ability to change those 5 effects, and to customise each one as much or as little as I want to. Given that they add effects and improve the functionality with firmware updates, I think it's excellent value.
  6. Great stuff @Lozz196 really glad you're back doing what you love.
  7. Great review, I am getting increasingly excited to get my hands on one. I've always liked Zoom products, the menus are so easy to use, the effects always way better than people say. I suspect the plastic casing and low price has some sub conscious influence. I busted my Helix, but even if I get it fixed I want one of these.
  8. The only thing I dislike these days is a pedal which, at home or in rehearsal, turns my bass into a musical behemoth, rolling like an ocean, climbing like a mountain, crashing like surf, exploding like a volcano, but the moment I engage it on stage it transforms my sound into something like a sick kitten f@rting.
  9. Bought an EHX Iron Lung from @CJPJ and it was the perfect Basschat shopping experience. Friendly, polite, communicative, and really fast. I'm delighted to recommend this most excellent Basschatter to the community.
  10. At present I'm working to a structure as part of bass lessons I'm taking. But yes the twelve bar blues is very recognisable
  11. I have been persevering, a few minutes a day and gradually increasing the number of intervals. Its definitely getting better
  12. I'm just astonished at the tidy desk. You moving out?
  13. Another RM500 lover here. In fact I've had three Ashdown amps, one of each and they're all amazing.
  14. Oh boy. What a board. Wish I still had my Bass Whammy.
  15. I know the booker for the Queen's Tap. I'll get you the number.
  16. Bass gas has hit the shoe event horizon for me. I have room for any more of them. However, collecting pedals seems an endless joy.
  17. The best thing about the X5 is its simplicity. It can be as straightforward to use as if it were a five pedal board, each pedal with only three controls. No need to connect to a computer. Or you can choose and download (via Bluetooth if you wish) ready made toneprints. Then for those intrepid types, unafraid of the deep software dive, you can create your own pedals. You can switch between boards with midi, if that's your thing, add an effects loop without taking up one of the five slots, or take up one and use it to turn multiple external pedals on and off. I love that I can use it straight out of the box, just as if I had a five pedal board, make quick changes on the fly, mash the footswitches to alter the effects while playing. The downsides? No dirt pedal. But I have put one in the loop, so no issue for me.The excellent onboard tuner requires a triple tap to engage it, which is a tad tricky.
  18. Just received a request for a gig (private function) next week. I'm Still Standing. My guess is that the bass player was being paid by the note and Elton was almost totally skint! What a doddle!
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