The best thing about the X5 is its simplicity.
It can be as straightforward to use as if it were a five pedal board, each pedal with only three controls. No need to connect to a computer.
Or you can choose and download (via Bluetooth if you wish) ready made toneprints.
Then for those intrepid types, unafraid of the deep software dive, you can create your own pedals.
You can switch between boards with midi, if that's your thing, add an effects loop without taking up one of the five slots, or take up one and use it to turn multiple external pedals on and off.
I love that I can use it straight out of the box, just as if I had a five pedal board, make quick changes on the fly, mash the footswitches to alter the effects while playing.
The downsides? No dirt pedal. But I have put one in the loop, so no issue for me.The excellent onboard tuner requires a triple tap to engage it, which is a tad tricky.