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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Sad to see so many pedals going but I guess you can always get back into them if you decide to. Good luck with the sales
  2. The big question is do you like working with a multi effect. If you prefer simple, on the fly adjustments then individual pedals are the answer. Suck it and see is my advice. Great to hear you're in a new band.
  3. It isn't an upgrade as such. It's an entirely different pedal. Totally different class
  4. Hey, I've been researching (just your basic GAS really) OBNE pedals but there's not many bass videos. How are you getting on with this pedal, now you've had it a while? Do you have any video or sound samples?
  5. Awesome stuff, thank you @Bart Funk Bass
  6. I've been messaged to say it's been despatched.
  7. I know there is a guitar version which predates this, but more than that I cannot say
  8. In fact every part of my kit today came from Basschatters
  9. I caught mine at my end of November gig. I can't recommend it. It's horrible.
  10. Ok I need to point out the way my title has been misunderstood. I'm not saying I don't care if I catch Covid. I've spent most of December in bed, I've missed all my gigs because of it. So today I put two fingers up to the virus which has kept me under and I managed to gig . That's all I'm saying.
  11. Determined not to miss all my December gigs I've made it a mile down the road for our annual 26th bash.
  12. Just ordered one of these. Kind of on a whim, kind of because I fancied a bass specific OD. One of my favourite bands are High/Low from the same part of the world that these are made and they use Raygun effects. As they've always made a righteous noise I thought why not. I'll keep you posted.
  13. This is the best value I've ever seen on Basschat. Unreal no one has snapped it up. If I hadn't lost all my December earnings through covid I'd have it in a heartbeat.
  14. Nope. I didn't mean it to sound that way. I'm just imbuing all my words with an unintended misery today.
  15. I swing in all directions with synth pedals. Digital, analogue, digital controlled analogue, each has their benefits, each their drawbacks. My favourite today is Digitech Bass Synth Wah run in parallel with a downswept filter being fed by a distorted bass. It's amazing. I can't imagine using it in either of my bands but it's been fun this morning.
  16. Keys player flat out refused any Xmas tunes except this one
  17. Well this came a month too late 😬🤦 Not that I played any of the Christmas gigs. Stupid covid.
  18. My experience of pedals is they never sound the way you expect in a band context. No matter how you set them up at home they always sound so different. It's a problem.
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