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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Nothing wrong with a board that does all you ask of it. I admire anyone who can stop buying pedal after pedal, board after board. I am hopeless.
  2. Just started my first relic. A very curious sensation when I brought the 4lb lump hammer down 😬
  3. Beautiful. I wouldn't notice the imperfections, but as you say that's your job.
  4. Kept expecting the ghost of Roy Castle to appear with his kettle at any moment
  5. Rolled the clock back last night. Depped for the Madness tribute I used to play with. First time the original line up has been together for nearly ten years. I love playing with the drummer, we used to be in a Specials trib together many moons ago, and that bassist/drummer chemistry is still there between us. Used my Bruce Thomas Profile, Trace head into Barefaced cabs and for the first time in my life sight read an entire gig, from my own scores. Really chuffed.
  6. I'm not battling age as such but illness has robbed me of energy and limited my learning ability. However I intend to stop only when no one will work with me. I've done more and learned more post 55 than I ever did before.
  7. stewblack


    I am trying to avoid selling mine, like you I grow impatient with the faff but it's such a great pedal. Good luck.
  8. I have a Kokko Boost pedal, which the seller sent despite the advert being for a phaser. Then they sent another boost pedal despite me choosing a 'different' seller. I donated it to a worthy cause. Gave up on my dreams of a £20 phaser. Until one came up for 15 squids on FB market place. Bingo! Unwrapped it this morning and hooked it up. Totally blown away by the little orange beast. Can't compare it to every phaser ever made, but I have had a fair few. With this one I experienced no loss of bottom end, in fact it enhances the sound across the spectrum so the whole bass sound feels bigger, better. Three controls, rate, depth and mix. Mix isn't 100% clean when fully counter clockwise, but when the depth is right down it is completely clean, just a tiny bit enhanced compared with the pedal off. At its slowest it's a very subtle phase, almost flanged, at its quickest it's a frantic bubbly trem. In the sweet spot, or at least my sweet spot, it's a beautiful airy, gaseous phase which, with the mix and depth controls, can be as subtle or as in your face as you like. I'm yet to hear it in a band context, or mixed with another pedal but first impressions are very positive.
  9. A pedal board in the pocket of your bass bag. Battery or mains powered. Drum machine looper and headphone amp. For 50 quid? Hard to see a downside here.
  10. And the bassist looks totally unfazed by the experience. It's all just wonderful.
  11. How refreshing to see a video focussed on the bass and drums.
  12. Never heard them before but been watching a drum cam video from a live show. The guy is out of this world.
  13. Oh my goodness. Watched the live version from 2014, all 13.47 minutes of it. First impressions, great filthy bass sound, guitarist in a prog band who was actually quite understated and didn't just noodle at speed for ten minutes, singer who stood in shadow at the back - just brilliant to see that - and what a drummer!
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