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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I bought a pedal from @LouieM and UPS managed to lose it. Not the fault of anyone here, just a courier snafu. We remained in touch and eventually @LouieMhad to raise a claim with UPS. I had despaired of ever seeing the pedal, until today it arrived safe and sound! A protracted deal but the original label could still be seen and it had all been labelled correctly including my phone number so not the seller's fault in any way. Delighted to be able to leave positive feedback and I won't hesitate to deal with this fine Basschatter again.
  2. Marvelous. Off to Google Justin Chancellor now
  3. The sounds I use, the best pedal I own for each position. Missing is distortion but that is one of the gifts of the SY-1, just about any sound you want is in there somewhere. And with all else in the SY-1's parallel loop the synth effects come through unhindered and at whatever level I choose.
  4. Love this board. Need to sort out a way of powering my Compressore, without a separate mains plug. It's by far the best comp I've ever used.
  5. Lee is a smashing bloke, just sold me a great pedal, which arrived perfectly packaged and in excellent condition. A pleasure to do business with, I happily recommend him to the community.
  6. While we're on the topic of noisy pedals, anyone any experience of this? https://www.thomann.de/gb/joyo_zgp_noise_blocker.htm
  7. I had exactly this problem with the Zoom when used with other pedals. In the end I used batteries, or a rechargeable power bank
  8. It's difficult to predict whether I'll sell my stuff any time soon. It's a very kind offer, and much appreciated. I guess it's up to you how long you're prepared to wait.
  9. Definitely interested, need to sell before I buy though.
  10. Wow, not seen one of these before. If it wasn't for other commitments I'd definitely take this Good luck with your sale.
  11. What colour is it? Wher can I buy one?
  12. Brilliant absolutely brilliant.
  13. Please God no! Trust us to be intelligent enough to get your meaning, and those who don't - well they're always going to struggle in a written forum aren't they?
  14. Haven't done one of these for a while. So I thought it was about time. As usual my answer is yes in every case! Well almost. Please feel free to expand on your answers, or if you prefer a simple yes or no that's fine too. 1) Ever bought a pedal even though you know you already have the perfect pedal of that type? 2) Ever 'discovered' a pedal or pedals at home which you'd entirely forgotten owning? 3) Ever bought a pedal purely on its looks? 4) Ever bought a pedal purely on its name? 5) Ever been unable to bring yourself to sell a pedal you know you'll never use? 6) Ever decided a pedal was rubbish, sold it, then bought it again years later deciding it was you not the pedal at fault? 7) Ever built a board, or boards, comprising pedals all of the same brand for the sheer hell of it and yet never gigged them (and knew you never would)? 😎 Ever commission a hand built pedal, which is effectively just a big fuzz box, for more money than a Helix costs and have absolutely no regrets? 9) Ever bought a pedal just to p off a guitarist in a band? 10) any idea why 8 followed by a bracket comes out as a face in sunglasses? 11) Ever bought more than one of the same pedal ? Still got them both/all?
  15. I saw one I think on Facebook for just over a hundred!
  16. Ha ha, it's an in joke with us. She always calls me her bass player, so I return the compliment. Shes such a great singer she can call me what she likes.
  17. Once joined a band because I just wanted to be in a band again. The drummer was kind of ok but uninspiring, the guitarist and band leader appeared to know the songs less well than I did, but I got the gig.] As time went on in became clear the guitarist had no sense of time, nor was he interested in learning. I'm now in another band with the same drummer who, it transpired, hadn't been playing very long when I first met him. He is a lovely bloke and a wonderful drummer. I suppose what I'm saying is you can't make any kind of valuable judgement of where a band will lead you.
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