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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Had one of those awkward gigs last night. The Tap Social in Oxford is a genuinely lovely place. Always a great atmosphere, staff and punters are friendly, there's a nice stage and a house pa. Unfortunately I have always struggled with the bass sound. First time I played there it sounded great on stage but was booming at the back of the room. This time I tried a different rig and it sounded thin and kind of compressed no matter what I did. But I did the best I could then just got in with enjoying the gig. Too easy to be derailed by sound issues and forget we're there to entertain.
  2. I want it but it's been an expensive month! If it's still here in a week I'll take it.
  3. I don't know who you hired to photograph this, but the pictures, the set ,it's all so beautiful. I'd have this in a heartbeat if I had the dosh. Good luck with your sale.
  4. I have one of these in my future. I know it. I suspect it won't be this one, sadly, especially as I'm gigging in Oxford on Saturday, but I gave into GAS and have gone a different way. Good luck with your sale.
  5. I would have this but for the fact that I'm growed up and have 30 basses. Dayum.
  6. Hey why not stop trolling this thread and let us decide if we like the bass or not. Just a thought.
  7. Oooh, that's tempting. The lack of fuel makes a trip out east unlikely in the short term, but one never knows.
  8. All the ones listed are good , the Spectrum is a real one stop shop as long as you're happy using a computer to set it up. I also like the Fwonkbeta which is massive bottom end wise, and the Mojo Hand 443 seems to retain the bass well. If I had to pick one it would be the MXR bass envelope filter.
  9. As I have played and loved these strings at the bass bash I think I will be getting a set of 760N.
  10. Bought a pedal from Brian. Despite me being a total twonk and forgetting to pay him 🤦he remained polite throughout and the deal eventually went through. Sorry and thank you.
  11. Thinking of our recent outing to darkest Somerset, and it occurred to me there was something missing. Well. Someone I should say. I think we ought to pass a law stating that his royal Highness Ped , our founder and glorious leader, should be compelled to attend any such gathering. Imagine the boost in publicity, the increase in ticket sales, when bassbashers are offered the chance to kneel before him, touch the hem of his ermine robes and maybe even kiss his ring.
  12. Wonderful variety of answers here. I have fretless GAS after playing a beautiful example of @Jabba_the_gut's workmanship at the SWBB recently. Although I strongly suspect I'm actually gassing for that specific instrument. It was gorgeous.
  13. Lets chat about strings. What do you like on your fretless bass? Why? Bank busters or bargain basements - what floats your boat?
  14. Sounded great I was genuinely shocked when you told me which speaker
  15. Vis a Vis the 6" pocket rocket. I had sauntered into the side room out of nosiness and was handed a bass A very solid, Fender P with a few extra bells and whistles, very nice instrument. I was focused on getting a sound I liked rather than on the amp/cab I was going through. There was a line of small cabs dwarfing the even smaller 6" and I assumed it was one or other of them. Genuinely astonished when I discovered which it was. I honestly think gigging with a couple of them would be a serious proposition. Never easy to tell with no kit in an empty room but there was all the good stuff coming out of that tiny cab.
  16. stewblack


    Yeah the eq is seriously powerful. I am getting to grips with the OD , I think I was trying to use in in the wrong way, as a low gain always on effect. It's too ballsy for that How do you find the comp?
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