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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Hey guys, as soon as I read about it I switched to OBBM speaker cables. I'm not decrying the science. My only point was that we all used the same cables from amp to cab, from instrument to amp. Everyone I knew, every band -all of them. For years and years and years and no one I ever played with or was friends with ever suffered any problems. Which is why I wondered about it. That's all.
  2. Don't worry, I already know how good HB stuff is.
  3. Stop it. I'm trying to be good
  4. Thanks @Woodinblack yes everything the same at home. It just seems to play up when I don't want it to. What makes no sense is why it connects to one tablet but not the other.
  5. I use a Behringer X Air X18. I have an android tablet (call it tab 1) I save for use with it and my personal android tablet (tab 2) as back up. I use an external router. Here's the thing. At home I plug it all in and connect the tablets seamlessly. Get to a gig or rehearsal and tab 1 hangs on the 'searching' screen, forever. tab 2 seems to work just fine, but it's not ideal as my set list and dots are on it too. Any idea why tab 1 behaves this way?And more importantly what steps can I take in a gig set up situation if this happens while I'm setting up? I have no ideas beyond standing there looking bewildered. This doesn't seem to help.
  6. I often read about the dangers of not using proper speaker cables, but tbh I only learned if the existence of such cables when I joined Basstalk. For the preceding decades I used the same cables as I used for my instruments with absolutely no ill effects. I'd often wondered if this whole speaker cable thing was a kings new clothes situation
  7. Let me join the Lidl battery love in. When working as a photographer they powered all of my flash guns and the same batteries, years later, power various bits of music gear.
  8. Thanks for the heads up. Although I did hear that Bill Wyman actually played most of the bass parts on Beatles recordings.
  9. Thank you for taking the time to rip and share these. Fascinating stuff.
  10. Yep, set up the pa yesterday and it needs some switch cleaner in some crucial parts
  11. Bought a pedal from Tony which arrived the very next day in excellent condition. Happy to recommend this most excellent Basschatter
  12. Oh my goodness. I think a bit of wee just came out. That is gorgeous. I love both my Sandbergs with a passion but this one. *faints away*
  13. Buy this. You won't be disappointed. Seriously.
  14. Never looked closely at pick up / string alignment I'm afraid, but I do love my BT P
  15. I tend not to discuss it as I encounter so much aggression and feeble stereotyping from people.
  16. Exceptionally good condition. Very tempting indeed. I flogged both of mine but they weren't this tidy
  17. It's a personal choice. I choose not to wear or use it.
  18. Dayum, fancy trying the filter twin one day, but my effects budget is all gone this month. Good luck with your sale.
  19. Did a vid of this test but sausage fingered it so just sound I'm afraid, but it gives a fairly good example of the range
  20. I've been looking at the red one. Really quite striking. It's great to know we can choose to use or not use leather.
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